Superdual - SWM USA
Superdual X was built for life in the dirt. Its 21”/18” wheels easily roll right over rough terrain and provides countless tire options, allowing you to get as aggressive with the knobby pattern as …
SWM RS650 Review: The Italian Husky? ADV Rider
2020年1月30日 · SWM RS 650 R may not be among the popular dualsports, but with its torquey engine, light weight, and excellent off-road capability, perhaps it should be?
更硬核更纯粹更便宜的SWM来了 SM150/SM500/SD650上市 - 搜狐
2021年5月28日 · 堪称SWM跳票王的SD650终于在本届车展中发售,作为市面上为数不多真正具有越野能力的ADV车型,SD650几乎可以看做是越野车基础上打造的ADV,极窄的车身设计,越 …
Scrambler: SILVER VASE 650 – SWM Motorcycles
🏆 NEW SWM Silver Vase – A True Legend! 🏆 Celebrating the spirit of off-road racing with the legendary SWM Silver Vase! 🏍️💥 Iconic design and unbeatable performance: discover the …
Moto ROAD: GRAN TURISMO 650 BLU – SWM Motorcycles
GRAN TURISMO 650 BLU. Take a look at our new ROAD model. SWM Motorcycles reserves the right to change, without notice, the technical specifications, equipment and colours of its …
SWM 650 SuperDual (2017) - first ride and review - Bennetts
2017年5月15日 · It might not look like it, but in the world of travel, trail and adventure bikes, the SWM 650 SuperDual is probably one of the most hotly anticipated bikes of the last few years. …
The best custom bike: GRAN TURISMO 650 BLU – SWM Motorcycles
GRAN TURISMO 650 BLU. Take a look at our new ROAD model. SWM Motorcycles reserves the right to change, without notice, the technical specifications, equipment and colours of its …
另一派拉力,综合素质强悍 - 试驾SWM SD650 - 懂车帝
2021年6月28日 · 压缩比高达12.4:1,的单杠水冷600CC排量发动机,最大功率42kw/7500rpm,最大扭矩56N·m/6500rpm,水准不俗。 不知道厂家作何考虑,全车灯具只有尾灯使用了LED光 …
2021款SWM SD 650价格参数图片视频-摩托车官网
这款发动机采用四气门双顶置凸轮轴设计,能够爆发出最大54.4匹马力(约40kW)的功率,在7500rpm时达到最大功率;最大扭矩为56N·m,在6500rpm时输出。 这样的动力配置在同类车 …
SWM SD 650 - 汽车之家
汽车之家swm sd 650频道,提供swm sd 650报价,swm在售swm sd 650图片,swm全部swm sd 650参数配置,swm sd 650最新文章,保养周期及费用等最新信息,最精彩swm sd 650摩托车内容尽在 …