SWM Metal
Perusahaan kami sudah memiliki pesanan awal untuk 300 ton/bulan, kami mendaur ulang / peleburan kembali chip atau dross AC2B, A356, ADC12 & aluminium alloy ingot. Produk daur …
SWM Metal – SWM Group
Before establishing Sumi Win Mukti the founders already have many years of experience in the aluminium smelting industry. Now we’re expanding our business in aluminium tolling services. Our Company is already have an advance order for 300 tons monthly, we recycle / remelting chip or dross AC2B, A356, ADC12 & aluminium alloy ingot.
Tentang Kami – PT. Sumi Win Mukti - SWM Metal
Sekarang kami sedang mengembangkan bisnis kami di bidang jasa tooling aluminium. Perusahaan kami sudah memiliki pesanan di muka untuk 300 ton bulanan, kami mendaur ulang / peleburan kembali chip atau dross AC2B, A356, ADC12 & aluminium alloy ingot. Produk daur ulang ini akan memenuhi dua kebutuhan kritis.
About Us – SWM Metal
Now we’re expanding our business in aluminium tolling services, iron scraps (automotive cold rolled bundle) & aluminium anode. Our Company is already have an advance order for 300 tons monthly, we recycle / remelting chip or dross AC2B, A356,ADC12 & alumunium alloy ingot. This recycled product will meet two critical needs.
Produk – PT. Sumi Win Mukti - SWM Metal
Sumi Win Mukti berdiri pada pertengahan tahun 2016, bergerak di bidang peleburan aluminium. Sebelum mendirikan Sumi Win Mukti, para pendiri sudah memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun di Industri peleburan aluminium.
Products – SWM Metal
Our Company is already have an advance order for 300 tons monthly, we recycle / remelting chip or dross AC2B, A356, ADC12 & alumunium alloy ingot. This recycled product will meet two critical needs. Now our capacity 1200 Tons and will be increased to 2000 Tons.
会社案内 - SWM Metal
SUMI WIN MUKTI(Win グループ)は、SUMI METAL INDUSTRIES(M)SDNBHDマレーシアとの合弁会社 (PMA)です。 Sumi Win Muktiは2016年半ばに設立され、アルミニウム製錬に従事しています。
SWM | Sustainable, Safe, and Intelligent Lightweight Materials
With our leading technical engineering mindset, SWM thrives on finding innovative and intelligent solutions to challenges. We help our customers to grow, perform and transition towards safer …
SWM Metal - Manufacturer - PT Sumi Win Mukti | LinkedIn
Manufacturer di PT Sumi Win Mukti · Pengalaman: PT Sumi Win Mukti · Lokasi: 11430 · 1 koneksi di LinkedIn. Lihat profil SWM Metal di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar...
事業案内 - SWM Metal
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