AirNav: Navaid information
PALISADES VOR/DME SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA Location Lat/Long: 39-10-49.162N / 120-16-10.604W (39.1803228/-120.2696122) Elevation: 8850.0 ft. Variation: 16E (1990) Operational Characteristics
Collocated VOR and TACAN navigational facilities. Without voice on radio facility frequency. VHF station location marker at a radio facility.
SWR @ OurAirports
Leaflet | Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community
FltPlan.com NavAid Info SWR
SWR - BASIC NAVAID DATA PALISADES VOR/DME SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA Official Navaid Ident: SWR Frequency: 113.20 GEOGRAPHICAL DATA 39-10-49.162N (141049.162N) / 120-16-10.604W (432970.604W) Elevation: 8850.0 Variation: 16E (1990) NAVAID CLASS CODE (S)/EXTENDED DATA Class: VORW/DME Altitude Code: L (low) TACAN Channel: 79X Radio Voice Call: NONE
Squaw Valley VOR/DME (SWR) from 11,500' : r/flying - Reddit
2015年8月7日 · I was passing over the VOR using it as a waypoint for GPS navigation, so I thought I'd take a small jog to the right and take some pictures of it from the air. The installation is at 8,900' on top of the mountain, so the view of it from 11,500' is pretty good. 3
Will FAA change Squaw Valley VORDME id - RadioReference.com Forums
2021年9月27日 · SWR is a pretty awesome ident, considering the RF geeks here. The VOR isn't really in the public eye like the resort. My guess is the pressure won't be there to force a PC change. Also, all the references I find for the VOR itself refer to it as "Squaw Valley, South Lk Tahoe", not "Squaw Valley Resort".
Amendment of Very High Frequency (VHF) Omnidirectional Range (VOR …
2023年5月15日 · This action amends the Very High Frequency (VHF) Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal airways V-6, V-338, V-494, and United States Area Navigation (RNAV) route T-331 descriptions to reflect the Squaw Valley, CA, VOR/Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) navigational aid (NAVAID) name changing to the Palisades, CA, VOR/DME.
VOR Transmit power?? - RadioReference.com Forums
2008年10月12日 · VOR power is set around 100-120 watts normally. Exact power is based on coverage requirements and is determined by a flight inspection aircraft at installation. The max output is 200w. All of the ones I've worked with were in the 100-130w range. Wilcox VOR's?
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Merz schlägt Julia Klöckner als Bundestagspräsidentin vor - SWR …
10 小时之前 · Die Rheinland-Pfälzerin Julia Klöckner (CDU) soll künftig das protokollarisch zweithöchste Staatsamt besetzen. Die Unionsfraktion nominierte sie am Nachmittag einstimmig als ...