Releases · niuus/WiiSXRX - GitHub
Find a growing list of new playable and tested games on the second post of the official WiiSXRX thread, here. CDDA is now available for use. Check the details below about the two new builds. Reduced loading time. Updates to CDrom plugin and new timer, compatibility rise. CDrom speedup. GTE updates.
Releases · Mystro256/wiisxr - GitHub
Fork of wiisx, a gamecube/wii/wii U psx emulator. Contribute to Mystro256/wiisxr development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - niuus/WiiSXRX: Fork of wiisxr (a port of PCSX-R), a PSX ...
WiiSXRX was born as a fork of WiiSXR, itself a fork of the original WiiSX, a PSX emulator for the Gamecube / Wii. The starting point for this code base was Mystro256's WiiSXR, a continuation of daxtsu's libwupc mod of wiisx, which is in turn based off of Matguitarist's "USB mod5". Don't report bugs related to specific games.
WiiSXR - GameBrew
To install, extract the contents of the zip file to the root of your SD card. For SD/USB, put ISOs in the directory named /wiisxr/isos/. ISOs can be .bin/.cue (make sure .cue contains _relative_ directory), .img, or .iso format. All save types will automatically be placed in /wiisxr/saves/.
WiiSXR - WikiTemp, the GBAtemp wiki
2022年1月31日 · For the latest mod WiiSX-RX, go to this compatibility list. The latest Version is' WiiSX-R Beta 2.3. Name - Add the name obviously and if it’s a game that you run in version 2.3 and beyond. Region - Enter " USA ", " JAP ", or " EUR ". …
Nintendo Game Cube (USA) Collection : Free Download, Borrow, …
2020年1月31日 · Nintendo Game Cube (USA) ISO Collection
Vimm's Lair: GameCube Vault
Welcome to the GameCube Vault. This Vault contains every known GameCube disc in the world, synchronized nightly with Redump. To play them you'll need an emulator from the Emulation Lair. All downloads are in .7z format and can be opened with the free tool 7-Zip. All games are in .ciso and .rvz format built with NKit 2.
GameCube Emulators - Download GameCube - Emulator Games
Large collection of GameCube Emulators available for Download. These GameCube Emulators work on multiple platforms including desktop PC, mobile, and tablets.
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