9K38 Igla - Wikipedia
The 9K38 Igla (Russian: Игла́, "needle", NATO reporting name SA-18 Grouse) is a Soviet / Russian man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. A simplified, earlier version is known as the 9K310 Igla-1 (NATO: SA-16 Gimlet), and the latest variant is the 9K338 Igla-S (SA-24 Grinch).
It is a anti-aircraft missile, from the surface-to-air missile family known as the SAM’S It has an infra-red seeker and guidance system, which gives it the capability to lock onto the infra-red light waves given off by the engines on air craft. Specifications Also referred to as MANPADS (man portable air defense systems)
萨姆-18防空导弹 - 百度百科
萨姆-18防空导弹(绰号:松鸡)是一种便携式近程低空防空导弹系统,是 单兵便携式防空导弹。 采用一种取代光学扫描技术的更先进的导引头。 可迎面和尾追攻击各种低空和超低空飞行的战斗机,直升机等。 由作战设备、目标指示和接收设备、维修设备和教学训练设备组成。 萨姆-18防空导弹(SA-18“松鸡”),俄军代号“针”,内部编号“ 9K38 ”式 地空导弹 系统是一种便携式近程低空防空导弹系统。 针-9K38 是一种全新的导弹系统,采用一种取代光学扫描技术的更先进的导引头 …
SA-18 Grouse Igla 9K38 - Army Recognition
2025年1月15日 · The SA-18 Grouse or Igla or 9K38 is a Russian made man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile defence system (SAM/MANPAD). This is a third-generation, man-portable, surface-to-air missile system and it is given the Russian industrial index number 9K38, for the complete system.
SA-18 (Grouse) / 9K38 Igla - Military Factory
2022年3月15日 · The SA-18 (NATO: "Grouse"), formally recognized by the Russian Army as 9K38 "Igla", is a modern man-portable, shoulder-fired anti-aircraft system. The system consists of the launch tube with integrated optics and trigger unit coupled to an infrared homing missile.
ThreatDB | SA-18 Grouse
The 9K38 Igla, known by its NATO reporting name SA-18 Grouse, is a Russian/Soviet man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile (SAM) designed for short engagement ranges. Key Features: Developed by Kolomna OKB, the Igla is a short …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The SA-18 Grouse or Igla or 9K38 is a Russian made man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile defence system (SAM/MANPAD). This is a third-generation, man-portable, surface-to-air...
SA-18 Grouse (Igla 9K38)> - GlobalSecurity.org
2023年1月5日 · The SA-18 GROUSE (Igla 9K38) is an improved variant in the the SA-7 & SA-14 series of manportable SAMs. As with the earlier SA-14, the SA-18 uses of a similar thermal battery/gas bottle, and...
萨姆系列防空导弹 - 百度百科
““萨姆”是 英文缩写词 “SAM”的音译名,意为“ 地对空导弹 ”。 苏联 每发展一型 地空导弹,自己都进行命名和编号,但西方感觉使用俄语不便,遂用英文逐一给苏联地空导弹起绰号,并进行相应的编号。 如苏联刚刚服役了一型最先进的地空导弹,西方赶紧给它起了个绰号,叫“斗士”,并规定“斗士”导弹的代号为SA-12。 萨姆系列 防空导弹 由前 苏联 1948年开始研制,由拉沃契金地对空导弹设计局在德国 “瀑布”地对空导弹 的基础上发展起来的,最早的型号是 萨姆-1防空导弹。 萨姆是 …
SA-18防空导弹 - 求闻百科,共笔求闻 - qiuwenbaike.cn
9K38 Igla 针式飞弹(俄语: 9К38 «Игла́»; 英语: needle)是一种苏联制的 携带型防空飞弹 (SAM),"9K38" 是苏联命名系统, 美国国防部 称为 SA-18, 北约代号 Grouse(松鸡)。 短程 携带型防空飞弹 研发专案于1971年Kolomna(全称是列宁勋章与红旗勋章国有机械设计局)设计局开始,然而Igla 针式并非Strela家族的(Strela-2箭-2/SA-7 或 Strela-3箭-3/SA-14小妖)改良产品而是全新专案,主要目的是开发出拥有比Strela系列较佳反反制能力及较佳接战包络线的新飞弹。