9K31 Strela-1 - Wikipedia
The 9K31 Strela-1 (Russian: 9К31 «Стрела-1»; English: arrow) is a highly mobile, short-range, low altitude infra-red guided surface-to-air missile system. Originally developed by the Soviet …
萨姆-9防空导弹 - 百度百科
“甘斯肯” (SA-9)是自行式晴天候型低空近程地对空 导弹 武器系统,主要用于对付低空 亚音速飞行 的飞机目标。 1968年开始装备苏军,1974年7月22日在波兰国庆阅兵式上首次公展。 SA-9系 …
SA-9 Gaskin 9K31 Strela-1 - Army Recognition
2024年7月14日 · The SA-9 Gaskin (Russian name 9K31 Strela-1) is a highly mobile, short-range, low altitude infra-red guided surface-to-air missile system mounted on the wheeled armoured …
SA-9飛彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
9K31 "箭(Strela)-1" (俄語:9К31 "Стрела-1" , 北約代號: SA-9 "燈籠褲 (Gaskin)")是一種高機動低空短程紅外尋的地對空飛彈系統。 車載平台為BRDM-2兩棲輪式裝甲車。 每輛發射車 …
ThreatDB | SA-9 Gaskin
It is commonly known by its NATO reporting name, SA-9 "Gaskin." The system consists of a BRDM-2 amphibious vehicle, mounting two pairs of ready-to-fire 9M31 missiles. The 9K31 …
萨姆系列防空导弹 - 百度百科
““萨姆”是 英文缩写词 “SAM”的音译名,意为“ 地对空导弹 ”。 苏联 每发展一型 地空导弹,自己都进行命名和编号,但西方感觉使用俄语不便,遂用英文逐一给苏联地空导弹起绰号,并进行相应 …
SA-9 Gaskin Mobile Air Defense System - Armed Forces
The SA-9 Gaskin is a Soviet-era mobile air defense system that utilizes infrared-guided surface-to-air missiles mounted on a BRDM-2 chassis, designed for short-range protection against low …
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 9K31 Strela-1 (SA-9 Gaskin) Russian 4x4 Infrared Guided Surface-to-Air Missile System is a highly mobile, short-range, low altitude infra-red guided surface-to-air missile system.
萨姆-9防空导弹 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月24日 · 萨姆-9防空导弹(SA-9“甘斯肯”),苏联称9К31 “Стрела-1”,西方称作“盖斯金(灯笼裤)”(Gaskin),是前苏联研制的自行式全天候型高机动低空近程地对空导弹武器系 …
Surface To Air Missile: SA-9 (9K31) - Falcon Lounge
2018年1月13日 · The SA- 9 is a highly mobile, short range infrared guided SAM system that covers the tactical - low altitude band of soviet air defense, and is used alongside SPAA other …