Saab 21R - Wikipedia
The Saab 21R was a Swedish fighter/attack aircraft developed and produced by Svenska Aeroplan AB (SAAB). It was a jet-powered development of the piston-engined SAAB 21 and was the first jet aircraft to be produced by Saab. The R-suffix stands for reaktion (reaction), referencing reaktionsdrift (jet power) or reaktionsmotor (jet engine).
SAAB 21 - Wikipedia
The SAAB 21 is a Swedish single-seat low-wing monoplane fighter and attack aircraft designed and manufactured by SAAB. Its twin boom fuselage with a pusher engine gave the aircraft an unusual appearance.
萨伯21R - 百度百科
j 21r 是萨伯公司向正确的方向迈出的第一步,但它却已落后于时代。 在本国的航空工业能提供新型的现代化喷气战机之前,为了使瑞典空军及时获得新型喷气机的使用经验,政府为空军引进了英国德·哈维兰公司的“吸血鬼”F.1 型喷气战斗机,并将其型号本地 ...
Saab-21 - 百度百科
Saab-21: 研制国家:瑞典 Saab-21是在1939年萨伯公司应瑞典皇家空军的要求设计的一型活塞发动机推进的非常规战斗机。 由于萨伯公司在忙于生产轰炸机,再加上这种过于前卫的设计让瑞典皇家空军很难接受,直到1943年7月原型机才进行首飞,于1945年开始交付使用。
斯堪的纳维亚天空的守护神-瑞典萨博喷气战斗机(二) - 知乎
喷气式战斗机的型号为Saab 21R。 为了适应新型的喷气式发动机,Saab 21R的机体结构做了重新设计,其改动幅度达到了50%。 它的气动布局同Saab-21基本相同,依旧采用双尾撑单发布局,发动机位于座舱后方的机身内,不过为适应喷气式发动机的需要,在机身两侧设置 ...
2019年6月21日 · 应瑞典空军的请求,萨伯公司提交了一份非常怪异的方案——前三点起落架、后置发动机、双尾梁、一体式平尾的Saab-21。 设计方案一出,瑞典空军内部就炸了锅。 毕竟这种“推进式布局”对设计师来说也不算常见,想在短时间内让所有人都接受就更难了。 这个战机设计出来简直就是一个奇葩体,二战美国的P-38战斗机就是这样的结构,当时所有人都接受不了这种结构的战机,但是Saab-21的发动机还和那时候P-38战斗机有着很大的区别。 “推进式布局”好处是 …
2019年6月20日 · 跨入喷气时代 Saab-21R. Saab-21服役的同一年,萨伯公司还计划使用劳斯莱斯引擎进一步挖掘Saab-21的潜力。但在意识到“喷气时代”已经来临后,计划很快又停止。 不甘人后的萨伯也开始将精力转向“喷气机”的研究。这时候就该说Saab-21底子好了,别人家都要大修 ...
Saab 21 / 21R - Plane-Encyclopedia
The Saab J 21 is a peculiar airplane, not only because of its advanced features. This fighter in particular is one of the only two airplanes that were initially powered with a piston-propelled engine, then later modified to incorporate a jet engine using the same airframe and implementing very few modifications.
Saab 21R - Military Wiki
The Saab 21R was a Swedish twin-boom fighter/attack aircraft made by SAAB. It was a jet-powered development of the piston-engined Saab 21 which along with the Russian Yakovlev Yak-15 was one of the only two jet fighters successfully converted from a …
Saab 21R - fighter
To produce Sweden's first turbo jet-powered fighter, Svenska Aeroplan adapted its Saab-21 design to accept the installation of a de Havilland Goblin gas turbine. This seemed a simple way to gain experience with this form of powerplant and, at the same time, extend the performance capability of the proven Saab-21 design; however, it was to prove ...