Saab 17 - Wikipedia
The Saab 17 is a Swedish single-engine monoplane reconnaissance dive-bomber aircraft of the 1940s originally developed by ASJA prior to its merger into Saab. It was the first all-metal stressed skin aircraft developed in Sweden.
SAAB-17轰炸机 - 百度百科
SAAB-17轰炸机,即B-17轰炸机是 瑞典 自主研制生产的第一批具有铝制硬壳构造的现代单翼飞机。 SAAB-17轰炸机在瑞典航空史上具有十分重要的意义。 相较之与同时期航空大国的单发轻型 轰炸机,如英国霍克公司“战斗”轻型轰炸机等,瑞典萨伯飞机公司的B-17轰炸机在性能上并没有很大劣势。 1938年,ASJA(AB Svenska Järnvägsverkstädernas Aeroplanavdelning,瑞典铁路工厂飞机分部)向空军推荐了自己的方案,并希望得到一架验证机的定单,该机可以是加斯 …
Saab 17 - Plane-Encyclopedia
2017年8月11日 · The Saab B 17 is a light bomber/dive bomber and reconnaissance plane with two seats, a single engine and a single tail, whose design bears a close resemblance with the Mitsubishi Ki-30 “Ann”, the Mitsubishi Ki-15, the Vought OS2U, and the Curtiss SB2C Helldiver, especially with the elongated shape of the main airframe and equally elongated ...
瑞典萨伯B-17轰炸机 - 百度百科
瑞典萨伯B-17轰炸机是瑞典自主研制生产的第一批具有铝制硬壳构造的现代单翼飞机,在瑞典航空史上具有十分重要的意义。 相较之与同时期航空大国的单发轻型轰炸机,如英国霍克公司“战斗”轻型轰炸机等,瑞典萨伯飞机公司的B-17轰炸机在性能上并没有很大劣势。 鹿”随后被用作 俯冲轰炸机 (B-4),瑞典空军又打算利用仿制的B-5(诺斯罗普8A-1)改装一种侦察机,但是B 5被证明不适合执行侦察/炮兵校射任务,因为它无法为观察员提供良好的视野。
Legacy of the SAAB 17 Bomber-Reconnaissance Aircraft
2023年4月12日 · The SAAB 17, a Swedish bomber-reconnaissance aircraft, was designed and manufactured by the major Swedish aerospace company, SAAB (Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget). In 1940, the aircraft first soared through the skies, and its development and production persisted throughout World War II.
B 17 - SAAB 17 (1941-1955) - avrosys.nu
B 17A (132 built) was a light bomber equipped with a Svenska Flygmotor/Pratt&Whitney STW C-3 14-cylinder radial engine (Swedish Twin Wasp) of 1.065 hp. Svenska Flygmotor had managed …
designated S 15. In the event, following the introduction of a new designation system, the L-10/P 7 became the B 17 and S 17 respectively. The large undercarriage fairings were a major characterist c of the Saab 17. It was intended to use them as airbrakes during dive bomber attacks, but in the event they were rarely
Saab 17 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Saab 17 was a Swedish bomber-reconnaissance aircraft. The project first started at the end of the 1930s as the L 10 by ASJA, but after the merger with SAAB in 1937 it was renamed Saab 17.
Restoring The Saab B-17 Dive Bomber - vintageaviationnews.com
2021年7月22日 · Developed during World War II, the SAAB 17 was one of the Swedish Air Force’s main frontline combat aircraft. While the type didn’t serve the Swedes for long, with the Saab A 21 replacing it as the nation’s primary attack aircraft soon after the war’s end, it …
B 17 - Saabs första flygplan fyller 70 år
Saab B 17 klassades som ett medeltungt bomb- och spaningsflygplan. Flygplanet representerade en stor teknologisk utmaning eftersom det var det första helmetallflygplanet i fribärande skalkonstruktion som någonsin konstruerats i Sverige. Det var enmotorigt och hade två mans besättning. B 17 började levereras till flygvapnets flottiljer under 1942.