FFVS J 22 - Wikipedia
The FFVS J 22 was a Swedish single-engine fighter aircraft developed for the Swedish Air Force during World War II. At the onset of World War II, the Swedish Air Force (Flygvapnet) was equipped with largely obsolete Gloster Gladiator (J 8) biplane fighters.
FFVS J 22 - Plane-Encyclopedia
2016年10月1日 · The FFVS (Kungliga Flygförvaltningens Flygverkstad i Stockholm /Royal Air Administration Aircraft Factory in Stockholm) J 22 was a small light fighter airplane, and an exception to the mostly Saab-built airplanes, which were …
The FFVS J 22 in Profile - IPMS Stockholm
The FFVS J 22 was a fighter aircraft developed in Sweden as a stop-gap measure during World War II. Very little known internationally, it was an important episode in the development of the Swedish aircraft industry and as such has been previously covered at the IPMS Stockholm’s site (see FFVS J 22 in Detail).
FFVS J 22 in Detail - IPMS Stockholm
2012年11月11日 · The FFVS J 22 was conceived as an emergency fighter when all aircraft orders placed abroad fell through about a year after the breakout of the Second World War. In June 1940, less than a year after the beginning of war, aircraft for the Swedish Air Force ordered in the USA (120 Seversky P-35 and 144 Vultee Vanguard) were placed under embargo.
瑞典的FFVS J 22系列战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
这里要说到瑞典战斗机的命名,举个例子,如果该飞机由萨博公司制造,则叫做Saab J22,前段是该飞机的生产厂商,后段J 22的J代表的是战斗机,22则是瑞典航空管理局给该飞机的正式名称。
Sweden's Hidden Gem: The FFVS J 22 - Jets ’n’ Props
2023年9月20日 · The J 22, a monoplane fighter boasting a plywood-covered steel frame. Its maiden flight took place in September 1942, showcasing Sweden’s capability to innovate under pressure. FFVS J 22 undergoing 300 hour maintenance at the Saab factory in Arboga 1947 Photo: Saab AB
J 22 – Historik – Svensk Militär Flygplanshistorik
J 22 har i flyghistorien fått bära epitetet ”Världens snabbaste jaktplan i förhållande till motorstyrkan”. En del ”seriösa” flyghistoriker har försökt att avliva påståendet genom att dividera motoreffekten med toppfarten hos några kända flygplan t.ex. A6M2 ”Zero”.
J 22 - FFVS J 22 (1943-1952) - avrosys.nu
The J 22 was built in two different versions, the J 22A armed with two 7,9 mm machine-guns and two 13,2 mm automatic cannons, and J 22B armed with four automatic cannons. 120 J 22A and 78 J 22B were produced.
J-22 - 百度百科
Soko J-22/IAR-93"鹰"式是一种双发超音速近距支援/对地攻击和战术侦查飞机,同时具有一定的空战能力。 由前南斯拉夫和罗马尼亚联合研制于70年代,在南斯拉夫由SOKO(猎鹰)飞机制造厂制造,型号定为J-22,罗马尼亚则由Industria AeronauticăRomână(罗马尼亚航空 ...
SAAB J-22 - Images / Videos / Reference - Marivoxmodels.net
"Röd Kalle" starting it's P&W engine at former Swedish airbase F 10 at Ängelholm. Not airwothy but kept in taxiable condition. Built in 1944 and is one of three preserved J 22 fighters."