Saab 35 Draken - Wikipedia
The Saab 35 Draken (IPA: [²drɑːkɛn]; The Kite, ambiguous with The Dragon) [Nb 1][3] is a Swedish fighter-interceptor developed and manufactured by Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget …
The Draken: One of Sweden's finest fighters
In preparation for the newly built Drakens, six Swedish J35Bs stripped of their all-weather avionics were leased to the Finnish Air Force in 1972 and designated Saab 35BS.
J 35戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
J 35「龍」 (瑞典語:J 35 Draken) [2][3] 是瑞典 薩博集團 研製的戰鬥機,亦是世界上首次運用雙三角形機翼佈局用於機體設計的全天候多用途戰機。 1955年至1974年間, 瑞典空軍 委託 紳 …
Saab J35 Draken (Dragon / Kite) Multirole Fighter Aircraft
2021年7月23日 · The Saab J 35 Draken (translated in English to "Dragon" but carrying the meaning of "Kite" based on the aircraft's angular resemblance to a kite) was one of the more …
Saab-35战斗机 - 百度百科
Saab-35战斗机(英文:Saab-35)是瑞典Saab(萨博)公司研制的多用途超音速战斗机,可执行截击、对地攻击、照相侦察等多种任务。 该型于1951年开始设计, 1955年10月原型机首次试 …
Saab J35 Draken: The Nordic Dragon That Accidentally Discovered …
2023年5月1日 · Enter the Saab J35 Draken – the “Nordic Dragon” – which rose to the challenge. The J35, a testament to innovative design and engineering prowess, was born from a daring …
Saab J35 Draken (Dragon / Kite): Photos, History, Specification
The J 35J was a 66 J 35F model that adopted the new 1985 government standard to keep the Draken relevant. The aircraft differed by upgraded electronics and cannons, additional turrets …
The Saab 35 Draken - FAQs
The only really noticeable external change from the J35B was modified engine inlets, but along with the new engine, the J35D featured increased fuel capacity; a Saab "FH5" autopilot …
AirHistory.net - Saab J35BS Draken aircraft photos
Situated at the approach road to the airport. [Nikon D300 + Nikkor AF-S 35mm/1,8]
SAAB 210
Sk35C with anti-spin chuteJ35D