T-17 – Danish Basic Trainer - FLYMAG
The SAAB T-17 Supporter, as it became known in Denmark, is of high-wing construction with an all-metal fuselage, which makes it very strong. The aircraft can carry two or three people, …
Saab T-17 Supporter - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Saab MFI-15 Safari / Saab MFI-17 Supporter eller Saab MFI-17 Mushshak (Dansk militær designation T-17) er et svenskbygget propelfly udviklet af Malmö Flygindustri, senere …
Saab 17 - Wikipedia
The Saab 17 is a Swedish single-engine monoplane reconnaissance dive-bomber aircraft of the 1940s originally developed by ASJA prior to its merger into Saab. It was the first all-metal …
The Danish Armed Forces’ T-17 aircraft are being upgraded with …
2022年6月20日 · Since 1975, the Danish Armed Forces has used the SAAB T-17 Supporter aircraft for e.g. pilot training. Now is the time for a thorough update of the instrumentation of …
Saab Safari - Wikipedia
Saab MFI-15 Safari, also known as the Saab MFI-17 Supporter, is a propeller-powered basic trainer aircraft used by several air forces. On 11 July 1969 Saab flew the prototype (SE-301) of …
Danish Armed Forces Receives Upgraded T-17 Aircraft Prototype
2022年6月22日 · The Danish Armed Forces has received an upgraded prototype of the SAAB T-17 Supporter pilot training aircraft after it successfully completed test flights. SA Group’s …
T-17 træningsfly version 2.0 mod nye højder
Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) har underskrevet en rammeaftale med danske Scandinavian Avionics om levering af glascockpit til SAAB T-17 Supporter. Aftalen …
Denmark receives upgraded prototype of T-17 aircraft - Air Force …
2022年6月21日 · Denmark has received an upgraded prototype of the SAAB T-17 Supporter pilot training aircraft after the completion of flight tests. The aircraft was handed over to the Danish …
Denmark Receives Upgraded Saab T-17 Supporter Aircraft - The …
2022年6月23日 · The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation has taken delivery of the upgraded Saab T-17 supporter aircraft prototype. Handed over during the …
Saab T-17 Supporter - Forsvaret
Saab T-17 Supporter er Flyvevåbnets træningsfly, der primært bruges i forbindelse med uddannelse af piloter. Flyet anvendes desuden som observationsfly, forbindelsesfly og til …