Saarn - Villains Wiki
Saarn is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation mythos. She is one of the four Klavigar of Sarkicism, saints that lie only below Grand Karcist Ion, the earthly leader of the faith. She is …
撒恩与Ozirmok - SCP基金会
撒恩(Saarn)是网络共笔科幻/怪谈文学《SCP基金会》系列中的角色。 欲肉四圣徒之一,与黑暗、隐秘、欺诈、毒和正义相关。 欲肉教神话将她描述为狄瓦家仆,因杀死了她的主人而被判 …
Sarkicism | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Sarkicism, also known as the Nälkä, are major antagonists in the SCP Foundation series. They are a widespread religious/philosophical cult that worships flesh and disease. The religion was …
Of Saarn and the Ozirmok - SCP Foundation
It has been millennia since she was capable of tears, and so she does not know whether now she laughs or sobs. But they reach for her and draw her in, limbs tangling, burying faces into the …
Sarkicism Hub - SCP Foundation
Sarkicism (derived from the Greek σάρξ, or “flesh”) is a religious/philosophical system that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices largely based on teachings …
撒恩与碧玉舌 - SCP基金会
海之门位于爱琴海口,它保护着港口,该港口目前被一支庞大的机神教舰队占领。 纳克索斯加入了包括机神教派在内的反对 卡尔马克塔玛Kalmaktama 1 帝国的众多政治实体。 反对她这个 大 …
SCP-4036 - SCP Foundation
Klavigar Saarn is often heavily associated with Lady Adytum, the personification of SCP-4036. Prayer often occurs directly after a salute to the flag of SCP-4036.
讨论串 - SCP基金会
Saarn - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
Saarn is one of the four Klavigars of Sarkicism, archpriests that lie only below Grand Karcist Ion, the earthly leader of the faith. She is usually associated with darkness, secrecy, deception, …
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