Sabre 28/30 for a newer sailor? - SailNet Community
2015年7月15日 · Of the Sabre 28 he said: "You will find the construction details of the Sabre 28' among the best of any 28-foot production boat on the market. Secondary bonding and …
Sabre 28 vs. C & C 30 - SailNet Community
2009年11月9日 · The Sabre 28 is a nice boat, well put together, that will take you places and get you back as well. The C&C30 is also a nice, pretty well built boat. The thing that hits me …
I like this Sabre 28 BUT..... - SailNet Community
2012年7月28日 · I was looking at a Sabre 28 yesterday and came away really impressed with the whole boat design and reviews. Took some pictures but there are two things that really …
Sabre 28 Chain Plates - SailNet Community
2006年6月25日 · Sabre 28 chainplates Our 1981 Sabre 28, which we purchased in 2004, had the same problem. The previous owner repaired the bulkhead with fiberglass & epoxy but …
Sabre 28 - lee helm on a starboard tack | SailNet Community
2016年8月31日 · I owned a Sabre 28-II for 20 years- great boat. Weather helm on one tack and lee helm on the other was never a problem so it is not an inherent problem with the design. As …
Sabre 30 v Tartan 28 - SailNet Community
2007年9月6日 · The Sabre is a small 30 and the Tartan a big 28 so they should be roughly the same size and both are built well. It's a tough decision but if it were me I'd try and find a re …
Sabre 28 vs. Pearson 28/30 - SailNet Community
2006年8月31日 · At their ages, there shouldn't be much price difference between the 28/30 foot choicess, condition and equipment will determine which is "expensive". Tartan and C&C were …
Buying a Sabre 28 - questions | SailNet Community
2011年5月25日 · Hi, we have been looking for a Sabre 28. Found an '84 model that looks to be in good condition. The chainplates have had attention and leaks fixed. One thing that caught my …
comments on sabre 28, C&C 29, Catalina 30 | SailNet Community
2008年4月10日 · Sabre 28 198 C&C 29 I 174 Cat 30 180 (Do you really mean the C&C 29 II or the first model?, the II rates 171, not many of these around.). I'ver always felt the Sabre 28 to …
Sabre 28 Cutlass Bearing - SailNet Community
2008年11月19日 · I am about to replace the cutlass on my 1975 Sabre 28. Any tips? I am mechanically included, but I am new to sailboats. Do you have to cut the shaft, or replace it …