SAC Nozzles vs VCO Nozzles | Cummins Diesel Forum
2014年9月9日 · A VCO nozzle has better flow, a SAC nozzle will flow more across the seat making them comparable for power. Beyond about a 90 HP injector the VCO nozzles start to become problematic where the SAC is not. Then, throw spray angle and orifice count into the model and it all gets very complicated and subjective.
Comparing SAC v VCO Injectors | Cummins Diesel Forum
2014年5月21日 · From what I understand it's basically a difference in atomization (atomization simply put is the size of the fuel droplets after being injected into the cylinder, the better the atomization the more fuel that is burnt during combustion) that being said vco's inject more atomized while sac's being a less atomized injection, hence why some people say people say sac's can be smokier.
SAC vs VCO injectors info - Chevy and GMC Duramax Diesel Forum
2018年4月22日 · In the search of understanding the difference between the SAC and VCO injector, I am posting a little bit of information of what I have found. These are not the only sources I have read but the links are below. SAC-The needle seat/alignment must only seal at a single larger opening.:thumb-Better suited for mid level power applications.:gearjamin
2015年9月1日 · SAC vs VCO.jpg Books could be written on nozzle design - here are some quick points on the two designs: VCO - Stands for "Valve Covers Orifice". The VCO nozzle is generally less expensive. It also tends to be less durable, particularly in high-heat performance applications.
VCO Vs SAC | Cummins Diesel Forum
2015年8月11日 · I've ran both styles in the same sizes 7x.010 and 7x.011, best way for me to explain it and easiest, vco for cleaner daily driving and sac for more performance based. The sac have a tendency to be more smokey and haze. With my 7x.011 vco I can drive smoke free, slight haze, under normal driving conditions. My choice is vco.
Lets start up a Sac vs VCO discussion | Cummins Diesel Forum
2013年8月6日 · SAC = stops the fuel flow above the holes, similar to a needle and seat. The pintle never comes in contact with each hole. VCO will move more fuel than a SAC nozzle. However, due to the pintle design a SAC injector does a better job in controlling the fuel flow and spray angle in larger than stock injectors.
sac vs vco | Cummins Diesel Forum
2012年9月3日 · sac vs vco Jump to Latest 15K views 69 replies 15 participants last post by xzaq103 Sep 24, 2012
CPP SAC vs VCO injector performance | Cummins Diesel Forum
2011年5月10日 · Well a few weeks ago I upgraded from Jamies 250 hp VCO style injectors to his 7x.012 SAC injectors and I could tell a huge difference in power through the entire rpm range. The first thing that I really noticed though was a faster spool up time.
7 hole vco vs 7 hole sac?? - Dodge Cummins Diesel Forum
2016年2月29日 · SAC hazes a little more at idle and driving conditions while VCO is cleaner. I wouldnt worry about any of that though because the 75hp injectors you want are fairly small. 02 6 spd QCSB, drag comp, DAP 7x.012 VCO, 63/68/14 sxe, ARP 2000, hamilton 103, hamilton pushrods, SB 3250, 5in exhaust, Fass 150, follow me on instagram @pr0ject_blue arty018:
5x16 SAC vs. 5x18 VCO | Cummins Diesel Forum
2017年7月24日 · Trying to figure out what would make more power at the track with my sxe369 and 633cc 215 pump built by Seth. I have 5x16 SAC's now, but also have a set of 5x18 VCO's. Both set to 295 bar. Timing at 26*, 145 spray angle, large bowl pistons. Looking to …