Sacidava, Moesia - Wikipedia
Sacidava [1] was an ancient Getic settlement on the Danube, between Durostorum and Axiopolis, located near the modern village of Izvoarele, in Romania. The ancient Roman fort of Sacidava (castra) is located nearby.
Sacidava (castra) - Wikipedia
Sacidava was a fort in the Roman province of Moesia near the Getic settlement and later Roman city of Sacidava, Moesia that developed around the fort. It is located at Musait between the villages of Rasova and Dunareni, on a high hill on the right bank of the Danube.
The funerary stele stands out among other known epitaphs from Sacidava and the northern part of Moesia Inferior due to its shape and chronological setting, being one of the earliest of its kind. The analysis of this stele also allows some observations on aspects related to the military and commercial networks in the early Roman period along the ...
Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu - Academia.edu
The funerary stele stands out among other known epitaphs from Sacidava and the northern part of Moesia Inferior due to its shape and chronological setting, being one of the earliest of its kind. The analysis of this stele also allows some observations on aspects related to the military and commercial networks in the early Roman period along the ...
Cetatea Sacidava | Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie
Numele de Sacidava este cunoscut din izvoarele literare antice și a fost confirmat de descoperirile epigrafice. În punctul Musait există o fortificație a limes-ului scythic, cu mai multe faze de dezvoltare, având o evoluție neîntreruptă de la începutul secolului al II-lea p.Chr. până în primul sfert al secolului al VII-lea p.Chr.
Sacidava - Wikipedia
Sacidava (castra), the Roman fort built near the Getic settlement Sacidava in Moesia Topics referred to by the same term This disambiguation page lists articles about distinct geographical locations with the same name.
Sacidava and Its Role of Military Outpost in the Moesian Sector of …
During the time of the Principality, Sacidava it represented an important military outpost serving mainly the city of Tropaeum Traiani, controlling also the supply and transport on the Danube limes in the Moesic sector.
(PDF) Roman Roads in Moesia Inferior. Archaeological and Epigraphical ...
The oldest milestone dates back to the reign of Trajan (103 AD) and was discovered at Sacidava (Rădulescu / Bărbulescu 1981, 353-359), while the latest one is from the time of Theodosius and Arcadius (383-393), discovered in Kipra (SGLI 149).
Sacidava – un avanpost militar al limesului moesic. Evidențe ...
Izvoare Castrul Sacidava este menționat în surse cartografice (Tabula Peutingeriana: Sagadava) şi 44 Aurel Mototolea, Tiberiu Potârniche, Sorin Colesniuc, Traian Cliante, Simina Stanc Fig. 1. Cele trei complexe arheologice localizate pe platoul dealului Muzait.
Sacidava - RomanForts
Sacidava. Between Rasova and Dunăreni places, on a high hill from the right bank of the Danube, in Musait point, there were identified traces of walls and there were recovered some inscriptions. The archaeological searches started in 1969 and continued, with some interruptions, until 1980.