Single Administrative Document (C88 (status)) - GOV.UK
2014年4月4日 · Use form Single Administrative Document (SAD) C88 (status) as proof of authorisation to import or export for the country of destination. Email HMRC to ask for this...
什么是SAD 证明? - 知乎专栏
欧盟统一报关单”(Single Administrative Document,简称SAD,进口、出口和过境通用,在英国又称海关C88表) The single administrative document (SAD) 单一 行政文件 (SAD)
C88文件是什么? - 知乎专栏
如欲从海关当局获得处理或使用货物的许可,须向海关提交“欧盟统一报关单” (Single Administrative Document,简称SAD,进口、出口和过境通用,在英国又称海关C88表)。 根据 《欧共体海关法典》 和 《欧共体第2454/93号条例》,在欧盟所有成员国,均应使用“c88”进行报关。 “欧盟统一报关单”一式八联,第一联至第三联由出口国使用,第四联至第八联跟着货走。 无论电子报关单还是纸质报关单,海关接受申报后,均会向报关人发放一个唯一的申报编号,格式为: …
What is a C88 form and how do I complete it? - Outvio
2022年3月30日 · C88 is the name that the Single Administrative Document (SAD) receives in the United Kingdom. The purpose of this document is to ease the management of international trade operations with the EU as origin or destination. The C88 form is used to declare imports and exports and speed up the process of paying taxes, if there are. What is a C88 form?
Single Administrative Document full 8 part set (C88 (1-8))
2014年4月4日 · Import and export: European Community EXP-SAD/SEC (C88/ESS) Use form C88/ESS for export declaration for Merchandise in Baggage ( MIB ) Customs Input Entry ( CIE ) and Customs Handling of Import...
Single Administrative Document - Wikipedia
The Single Administrative Document (SAD), also known as Form C88 in the UK, [1] is the main customs form used in international trade to or from the European Union Customs Union. Traders and agents can use the SAD to assist with declaring import, export, transit and community status declarations in manual processing situations.
2022年1月27日 · C88简称海 关进口单据或者称欧盟统 一 报关单(Single Administrative Document,简称SAD,进口、出口和过境通用,在英国又称海关C88表),贸易商和代理商使用SAD协助进口报关、出口报关、过境或社区状态声明等手续。
Understanding HMRC Form C88 - A Complete Guide - Pro Tax …
2023年3月30日 · HMRC Form C88, also known as the "SAD (Single Administrative Document) Import Declaration," should be completed by anyone who imports goods from non-EU countries into the UK. This includes individuals, businesses, and organizations that import goods for personal use, resale, or any other commercial purpose.
敲黑板,划重点!C88、C79和E2的详细解读 - 知乎
C88简称 海关进口单据 或者称 欧盟统一报关单 (Single Administrative Document,简称 SAD ,进口、出口和过境通用,在英国又称海关C88表),很多人以为C88文件就是税单,其实不然。C88并不是税单,而是关税催缴单!
C88简称海关进口单据或者称欧盟统一报关单(Single Administrative Document,简称SAD,进口、出口和过境通用,在英国又称海关C88表),贸易商和代理商使用SAD协助进口报关、出口报关、过境或社区状态声明等手续。