SAGR - Nexom
Nexom is the exclusive source for the SAGR, a simple, powerful tool for fully nitrifying lagoon effluent in any climate. The SAGR consists of a clean stone bed that is fully aerated.
Food Processing Plant, WI: SAGR - Nexom
Upgrade lagoon-based treatment with SAGR to meet ammonia limits, improve BOD, TSS, and nitrification in cold-weather food processing wastewater.
Kingsley, IOWA: optAER & SAGR - Nexom
Kingsley sought Nexom’s expertise for retrofitting the existing plant with its SAGR ® submerged attached-growth reactor, a successful technology for meeting stringent ammonia limits …
Nexom - HESCO
Nexom is your source for energy-efficient treatment process technologies that help you solve nutrient removal and other wastewater treatment challenges. Solutions include: EDI cutting …
Nexom - SAGR - Other Products - Post Lagoon Cold Water ...
Nexom is the exclusive source for the SAGR, a simple, powerful tool for fully nitrifying lagoon effluent in any climate. The SAGR consists of a clean stone bed that is fully aerated.
Nexom Home - Nexom
The Nexom SAGR® is designed to follow wastewater treatment lagoons or other secondary treatment processes to provide full nitrification in cold water temperatures. The SAGR reliably …
The Nexom optAER system is an efficient pond-based wastewater treatment solution comprised of fine-bubble diffused lagoon aeration with floating laterals that are easy to inspect or retrieve …
Nexom to present, “Beating Ammonia Limits,” at Lagoon Seminar
2017年5月2日 · Using a case study of Sundridge, Ontario’s wastewater treatment plant (located about 3 hours’ drive due north of Toronto), Kroeker will explain how Nexom’s SAGR post …
Wastewater Treatment Manufacturer, Process & EquipmentAqua …
Nexom is the exclusive source for the SAGR, a simple, powerful tool for fully nitrifying lagoon effluent in any climate. The SAGR consists of a clean stone bed that is fully aerated.
SAGR Total Nitrogen Removal - Environmental XPRT
OPTAER lagoon based wastewater treatment systems can be adapted to meet a wide range of total nitrogen limits through the use of preanoxic zones within the lagoon system or tertiary …