Sai Yok National Park - Wikipedia
Sai Yok National Park (Thai: อุทยานแห่งชาติไทรโยค) is a national park in Sai Yok district, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. The park, home to mountains, waterfalls and caves, is part of the Western Forest Complex protected area.
Sai Yok National Park
Sai Yok National Park is part of a huge continuous forest complex called Western Forest Complex, about 18,730 km², comprising 19 protected sites in Myanmar and Thailand. The mountainous regions of the park are covered with deciduous …
Sai Yok National Park | National Parks Association
Sai Yok National Park is home to an impressive array of wildlife, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts. Key mammals include Asian elephants, sambar deer, and Malayan porcupines. The park is also a sanctuary for the Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, …
2016年6月2日 · 綠意盎然的『sai yok national park』充滿了熱帶雨林及竹子,沿著桂河較低漥的地區則是柚木林,因此在日軍佔領期間被砍筏,其中有幾處的洞穴藏著當初日軍留下來的廚灶,也棲息著蝙蝠、松鼠、鹿等野生動物,十足大自然與歷史的結合。
Sai Yok National Park - Tripadvisor
In Sai Yok swimming or bathing is not possible. We entered the park from the Visitor Centre where you can get a map of the public part of the park. We enjoyed the nature trail (about 2.3 km). Most of the displayed information is in bad English and hardly legible - with an entry fee of 300 THB per foreigner I had expected better service.
赛约克国家公园 - 百度百科
赛约克国家公园(Sai Yok National Park) 进入公园,游客可以深深体会热带雨林的风情,而且还可以发现“凯蒂的猪鼻蝙蝠(世界上最小的哺乳动物)、帝王蟹、马来豪猪等珍稀野生动物,偶然还可以遇见从缅甸而来的野象群。
How to get to Sai Yok National Park
How to get to Sai Yok National Park. Busses to Sangkhlaburi stop by at Sai Yok Noi Waterfall, Hellfire Pass and Sai Yok National Park, leaving Kanchanaburi every 30 minutes from 6 am until 6:30 pm, the bus trip to the visitor centre takes a bit more than 1.5 hours. The visitor centre is nearly 3 km off from Highway 323 where the buses stop.
赛幽克国家公园 北碧景点 泰国国家旅游局中文官方网站
公国公内设有舒适的水上渡假木屋,其中最令人印象深刻的景点是赛幽克亚瀑布 (NamtokSaiYokYai),水流涌入桂诺依河。 可以从附近吊桥上一览瀑布景观;或是到瀑步下直接享受水柱按摩洗礼。 往上游走一点是Daowadueng钟乳石洞;不论想到瀑布或是钟乳石洞,最好的方式是搭船,船只可在公园内租。 ...
Sai Yok National Park | Attractions - Lonely Planet
Caves, waterfalls and forest trails draw walkers to Sai Yok National Park (958 sq km), which never gets too crowded. The main sights are easily reached from the visitor centre, including the park's best known attraction, Nam Tok Sai Yok Yai, where a stream makes a short, graceful drop into Mae Nam Khwae Noi.
Sai Yok National Park: Attractions, Accommodation, Tours, and ...
Our website provides comprehensive information on must-see attractions such as Prasat Muang Singh Historical Park, Namtok Sai Yok Waterfall, and Hin Dat Hot Springs, Krasae Cave, the Hellfire Pass, as well as resources on accommodation options, tours, and transportation to help plan your visit and make the most of your experience.