Saiga 12 Magazine Loader - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2012年5月11日 · Hello again, S-12 forum! Has anyone ever heard of a 12 ga. magazine loader for the Saiga-12 platform? For those not familiar with a magazine loader, here is a pic of one for AR/M4 mags: I think this would be a great product to have and something that wouldn't be too hard to develop, especially with the skills of the business members around here.
12ga ballistics article leaves me questioning ... - forum.Saiga-12.com
2009年6月1日 · Saiga-12 w/ 10 round magazine= 10 #00 buck w/ 12 .33 caliber 60 grain projectiles, 1200 FPS muzzle @ approx. 300 rounds per minute (semi-auto) 120 total projectiles or 240 total projectiles with 20 round drum magazine. One trigger pull equal to one 12 round burst (using buckshot) in semi-auto.
would a rifled 12ga barrel legally qualify a shotgun as a rifle?
2011年12月18日 · the reason the taurus judge can be so short is because it can also fire a pistol caliber. possible if you had metallic "rifle" cartridges that would work in a rifled saiga 12, but they would need a sporting exemption just like big bore hunting rifles that are over .50. not sure if the metallic cartridges would have to be a factory load or not, but obtaining a sporting exemption would be more a ...
Alternative 12 ga mags - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2005年1月18日 · There was a thread awhile ago about making 12 ga mags out of other kinds of mags. Someone suggested a CETME/HK91 mag might make a suitable mag. Dimensons of both the saiga 12 and Cetme/HK91 mags are similar. Anyway, I took a CETME mag and after some time on a bench grinder and a dremel I got the ...
Saiga 12ga. - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2004年1月14日 · Hi Im new here. I just started getting into AK type rifles. Didnt realise that Saiga made a shotgun with AK action. Anyway Im thinking of getting a shotgun for the wife HD. How is the recoil on the 12 ga? I assume that since its a semi-auto that recoil would be less than my Reminton 870 pump. Is ...
Saiga 12ga buffer - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2004年8月4日 · The AK buffer Dillon Precision sells in it's catalog (the guys who make those reloading presses) works very good in the Saiga-12. Have no experience with the BlackJack. The AK buffer made by Buffer Tech is worthless IMO in the Saiga-12 (the little hole that's in the middle of it is not big enough (without first coring it out, that is) to fit ...
Barrel Length vs Velocity - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2007年8月30日 · First, using shitass birdshot- 12 gauge, 2 3/4 inches, 1 oz shot. 12" barrel average FPS- 1040. 14" barrel average FPS- 1069. 18" barrel average FPS- 1114. 19.5" barrel average FPS- 1114. 20" barrel average FPS- 1108. 28" barrel average FPS- 1159 Then using Remington 00 Buck-12" barrel average FPS- 1121. 14" barrel average FPS- 1127. 18" barrel ...
Walmart 12 ga target loads getting scarce? - Saiga-12
2013年4月11日 · Anyone notice the Walmart 12 ga target loads getting scarce in their areas? The rifle ammo has been cleaned out for months but there always seemed to be a supply of 12 ga target loads...until now. Last few times I checked it was gone. Went in the other day and found some. I panicked and bought al...
AMMO - Saiga-12 - forum.Saiga-12.com
2012年5月30日 · 3 1/2" shells = no go. Saiga-12 shotguns have a 3-inch chamber, anything 3 inches or less will fire, certain shells will not cycle. Less-lethal munitions and mini-shells (Centurion and such) will not cycle, but should fire just fine - you'll have to rack the action manually, or in the case of the mini-shells hand feed each shell into the chamber.
New Saiga / AK Side Folding Stock Kit - forum.Saiga-12.com
2010年3月31日 · Distributed exclusively by Saiga-12.com Dealer inquiries are welcome – please call our office @ 678.206.7070 or send me a PM. The first 25 orders will get $10 OFF - at checkout please enter coupon code when prompted: NEWSTOCK