SAIL: Career Page
SAIL, a Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) is India's largest steel producer with around 17.43 MT of Hot Metal and 16.15 MT of Crude Steel production. With Annual Turnover of more than Rs. 61000 crores in 2019-20, SAIL is one of the ‘Maharatna CPSE’ of country and has been the pivot of the domestic steel industry has continuously ...
SAIL - mjPRO - Procure Better
Maharatna CPSE. 5 Integrated Steel Plants. ... Portal of SAIL. Previous Next. Helpdesk Support. Please call us or mail us at our helpdesk number & mail id as mention below : Time - 9.30 am to 5.30 pm (Monday to Saturday) [email protected] (033)-6601-1719 / (033)-4409-1719 . Powered by Mjunction .
Selection for the post of Director (Commercial), Steel Authority of ...
2024年10月4日 · Ministry performs planning of the growth and development of Iron and Steel Industry in the country (including Re-rolling Mills, Alloy Steel and Ferro Alloy Industries, Refractories) both in the Public and Private Sectors.
Public Sector Steel Major-SAIL effects Retirement of 11 Executives
New Delhi, 16th February, 2025: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), a Maharatna CPSE under Ministry of Steel, has a policy for undertaking assessment of probity and efficacy of executives above 50 years of age. Detailed guidelines in this regard, approved by Board of Directors of the Company, lay down the criteria for reviewing the ...
SAIL becomes first CPSE to enter into MoU with GeM for more …
2019年7月19日 · Amongst CPSEs, SAIL under the aegis of Ministry of Steel is the first CPSE to enter into an MOU with GeM. This endeavour towards maximising the procurement of Goods & Services on GeM Portal aims to promote inclusiveness, broadening of base, transparency and efficiency in public procurement and achieve cashless, and paperless transaction.
SAIL Bhilai steel plant - Global Energy Monitor
SAIL has Maharatna CPSE (Central Public Sector Enterprise) status by the Government of India under the Ministry of Steel. Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) was set up in 1955 with the help of the then USSR and began production in 1959. BSP is India's largest producer & supplier of rails for the Indian Railways.
SAIL Durgapur steel plant - Global Energy Monitor
SAIL has Maharatna CPSE (Central Public Sector Enterprise) status by the Government of India under the Ministry of Steel. [1] In 1959, DSP started production with an initial crude steel capacity of 1 mtpa, which was progressively increased to 1.8 mtpa during the modernisation which was announced in 1985 and further to 2.2 MTPA during recently ...
SAIL CSR Thrust Areas SAIL’s CSR activities are carried out in and around its steel townships, mines and far flung locations across the country in the areas of providing medical and health care, immunization, ante and post natal care, education, access to water facilities, construction of roads, road side
होम | SAIL
sail के साथ साझेदारी करें. अखिल भारतीय मांग पंजीकरण 2023-24; ss किचनवेयर, टेबलवेयर और उपहार वस्तुओं के लिए विक्रेताओं का सूचीकरण
SAIL, a Maharatna CPSE, is a major Steel Maker of the Nation with an annual turnover of over Rs.1,00,000 Crore (FY 2021-22). Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP), a unit of SAIL, invites applications from young, energetic,