Saint Olive Family - Wikipedia
The Saint Olive family (Zacharie lineage) is a Lyon family whose history begins in the 17th century and which is made up of several members who influenced Lyon and its surrounding region: the apothecary perfumer Pierre Boiteux de Saint Olive, the designer Paul (Lambert ) Saint Olive, the sculptor Michel Saint Olive and the bankers Saint Olive.
Olivia of Palermo - Wikipedia
Olivia of Palermo (Italian: Oliva dì Palermo, Sicilian: Uliva di Palermu), Palermo, 448 – Tunis, 10 June 463, [3] [4] while according to another tradition she is supposed to have lived in the late 9th century AD in the Muslim Emirate of Sicily [5] [6] is a Christian virgin-martyr who was venerated as a local patron saint of Palermo, Sicily ...
Bl. Olive - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
According to a pious fictional legend, Olive was a beautiful girl of thirteen, of a noble Palermo, Italy family who was carried off to Tunis by raiding Moslems. They allowed her to live in a nearby cave, but when they found that her miracles and cures …
Banque privée, gestion de patrimoine à Lyon - Banque Saint-Olive
Banque privée indépendante, à capital familial, la banque Saint-Olive vous accompagne pour une gestion optimale de votre patrimoine.
Sainte Olive — Wikipédia
Sainte Olive désigne plusieurs saintes chrétiennes : Olive de Brescia († vers 138), martyre à Brescia ; fêtée localement le 5 mars [1], [2]. Olive de Palerme (v. 448-463), vierge et martyre, vénérée à Palerme en Sicile ; fêtée localement le 10 juin [3], [4].
PAUL SAINT OLIVE(圣 保罗 奥利弗) - O'Bon Paris
2022年9月19日 · Saint Olive 家族是法国里昂地区 17 和 18 世纪的药剂师和调香师。该家族的活动包括买卖药品和香水的成分。从 1710 年开始,Saint Olive 专门为调香师销售花香精。 出生于 1650 年的 Hugues Saint Olive 是该家族的第一位药剂师和调香师。
St. Olivia - uCatholic
2010年6月10日 · Exasperated Muslim authorities arrested, tortured, and beheaded her. At the moment of her death, her soul was seen to fly to heaven in the form of a dove. She has been honoured in Carthage and Palermo, and was held in great esteem by Christians and Muslims.
Saint Olivia - uCatholic
2024年6月10日 · According to a pious legend, Saint Olivia was described as a ravishing beauty of 13 years when Saracens captured her at Palermo, Sicily in the 9th century. She was deported to Tunis where she began to perform miracles and convert Muslims to Christianity.
从小,保罗都会在空闲时间闻着大自然的芬芳中作画。2014年至2018年,Paul先后在艺术和时尚领域创立了两家公司。 2021 年,Paul 推出了香水品牌 PAUL SAINT OLIVE,它结合了他对法国奢华工艺的热情、他的创造力和他的嗅觉记忆。
Sainte Olive de Palerme : vie, martyr et prière - Hozana
Morte en martyr à 13 ans après avoir été enlevée par des pirates à Tunis, sainte Olive (ou Olivia) de Palerme est fêtée par l’Église Catholique le 10 juin. Elle a réalisé de nombreux miracles et entraîné de nombreuses conversions qui font d’elle une sainte. Sainte Olive serait née au IXème siècle à Palerme (en Sicile), selon certaines sources.