Pelagius of Córdoba - Wikipedia
Pelagius of Córdoba (c. 912–926) (in Spanish San Pelayo Mártir) was a Christian boy who died as a martyr in Córdoba in southern Spain around 926 AD. There are three accounts of Pelagius. …
King Pelayo King of Asturias - Roman Catholic Saints
Here is a story of Pelayo, a story of remarkable courage, encompassing elements of chivalry and knighthood, that is not much remembered in our own day. It is the story of how one man’s faith …
Pelagius of Asturias - Wikipedia
Pelagius (Spanish: Pelayo; [1] c. 685 – 737) was a nobleman who founded the Kingdom of Asturias in 718. [2] Pelagius is credited with initiating the Reconquista , the Christian …
St. Pelagius of Cordova - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Martyr in Cordoba, Spain. Also called Pelayo, he was a young boy of Asturias who was left by his uncle as a hostage to the Moors of Cordoba. As he remained unransomed for three years, the …
Pelayo | Asturian ruler, Christian victory, Battle of Covadonga ...
Pelayo (died c. 737) was the founder of the Christian kingdom of Asturias in northern Spain, which survived through the period of Moorish hegemony to become the spearhead of the Christian …
Pelagius the Hermit - Wikipedia
Pelagius (Spanish: Pelayo, Paio or Pelagio) was a hermit or anchorite [2] who lived in Solovio in the Libredón forest in 813 AD. [3] According to some sources, Solovio was an ancient Celtic …
Don Pelayo and the Reconquest of Spain - Catholic Exchange
2016年4月12日 · Pelayo was declared King of Asturias, the first King of the Spanish monarchy. As news of Pelayo’s victory spread, Christians came from all over the Iberian Peninsula to the …
St. Pelagius of Córdoba: A Martyr for our Times
2015年11月18日 · So it was with a young, pious Christian boy by the name of Pelagius (Pelayo), who lived in Spain during the early years of the Tenth Century, and who was once sent to take …
Saint Pelagius of Istria - Catholic Saint | Saint for a Minute: Saints ...
Saint Pelagius of Istria, also known as Saint Pelayo or San Pelayo, was a young boy who became a martyr during the persecutions of Emperor Numerian in the early centuries of Christianity. …
Saint Pelayo (912-925) - Find a Grave Memorial
Saint and Martyr. He was born in 912 AD and was killed in 925. He was the nephew of Saint Hermogius. After being held for ransom by the Moors, he refused to give up his beliefs so he …