Sako | Rifles and Ammunition
Our offering comprises of SAKO and TIKKA branded rifles and accessories as well as SAKO branded ammunition. SAKO, one of the world’s most prestigious rifle brands, combines advanced technology with traditional gunsmith craftsmanship.
萨科公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
萨科有限公司(芬蘭語: SAKO Oy,Suojeluskuntain Ase- ja Konepaja Oy的缩写 ,直译:国民卫队武器和机械加工厂)是总部位于芬兰 坎塔海梅区 里希迈基的一家枪械和弹药生产厂家,从1983年开始麾下还拥有專門生產手栓式步槍的品牌:蒂卡(Tikka),现今是意大利 贝瑞 ...
Sako Rifles For Sale Online | Sako Rifles Store USA
Buy the high-quality Sako rifles you’ve been looking for right here at Sako Rifles Store, the world’s largest online site dedicated to Sako firearms, hunting, shooting, and accessories. We aim to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed Sako rifles purchase.
Sako 75
Sako 75 Varmint is a long-range hunting rifle built to deliver pinpoint accuracy for hunting and target shooting. Inherently accurate Sako 75 design. Four action sizes for perfect cartridge/action match. Heavy, totally free floating barrel diminishes vibration and recoil, making it easy to zero and keep on the target.
Defence & Law Enforcement - SAKO
Today, as part of the Beretta Defense Technologies alliance, Sako Defence & Law Enforcement covers all corners of the world delivering military and law enforcement customers with a vast range of products and solutions specializing in state-of-the-art sniper rifles, match grade rifle ammunition, optics and various accessories, fitted to customer ...
Sako ~ AIII Bolt-Action ~ 7mm Remington Magnum - Cabela's
The Sako AIII is a stunning bolt action rifle chambered in 7mm Magnum. Proudly made in Finland and imported by Stoeger, this rifle not only embodies the legendary craftsmanship that Sako is known for but also showcases remarkable precision. The Sako AIII is built on a robust magnum action, enhancing its performance and versatility.
Almub - Academia de Letras e Música do Brasil
Com sede e foro em Brasília – Distrito Federal, a Almub tem por finalidade promover, fomentar e divulgar a Cultura, no âmbito das Letras e da Música, nas esferas intelectuais do País. Os ideais da Almub são os mesmos defendidos por aqueles que decidiram fundá-la em 1976, quando Brasília era ainda uma criança em pleno processo de ...
Sako Rifles for Sale Online from Sako Firearms - Able Ammo
We carry Sako rifles for sale in our online store at discount prices, including the Sako 75 Deluxe, Grey Wolf, Hunter, Varmint, Quad, and other models. We also have the new for 2006 Sako 85 Rifles. 50% Off Ground Shipping on Orders Over $200 *
Sako Rifles :: Guns.com
Shop Sako Rifles for sale with military spec components at Guns.com. Get the latest Sako Rifles available on demand. Find a reliable Sako rifles for sale at Guns.com.
SAKO Rifles | Sako Rifle For Sale - Omaha Outdoors
Over 100 years later, the modern day Sako rifles for sale are some of the most world-renowned hunting, target, and military weapons ever created for the precision marksman. For big game hunters to long distance precision shooters, models like the prestigious Sako S20 deliver the pinpoint accuracy and rugged durability required for the most ...