Just Shot My First (New To Me) Sako Rifle | The High Road
2007年12月6日 · I just bought a very gently used Sako 75 Hunter in .270 Winchester. It came with Sako rings and a Leupold VXIII 3.5-10X40 scope. I went to the range with a friend to sight in two of his rifles to get ready for a deer hunt this weekend. He had an older 1970's Remington .30-06 that had a ton of...
The High Road
Machine guns, suppressors, short barrels, destructive devices, and any other weapon that's so much fun the US Government charges $200 extra. Moderated by: Hoser, taliv Threads
Another Stainless Steel Sako/Tikka kaboom | The High Road
2004年12月12日 · Tools and Technologies. Rifle Country
.22 handguns that are copies of their larger caliber brothers.
2003年11月11日 · After looking around the only one I could find was the Walther P22. I know that 1911 varients have a .22 conversion. What other production handguns have a .22 caliber version. I am looking for a .22 handgun that looks, feels, and functions like a …
Help me decide on 300wsm bolt gun | The High Road
2006年6月21日 · Pick the best rifle and tell me why, thank you! Sako T3 Lite 300wsm Votes: 6 54.5% Weatherby Vanguard 300wsm
best choice for under 1200.00 | The High Road
2007年12月21日 · hello all I am wanting to buy a rifle.It will be mainly used to deer hunt with. Id like it to be very accurate.Of these 3 choices which would work best 1 Remington Sendero SF in 300 win Mag 2 Sako 85 in 30-06 since thier 300 only has 24 barrel 3 Weatherby Accumark in 257 Id appreciate all...
Savage vs. Tikka for Out-of-the-Box Accuracy
2008年6月28日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
How to mark guns for quick ID (non-permanent)? | The High Road
2018年4月25日 · Obviously the serial numbers could be used, but I don't want to have to remember the serial numbers, and which belong to which family member. So, I'm looking for a way to mark guns that: - Is not permanent (I don't want to engrave initials on the guns, for example). - Is easy to spot, but doesn't ruin the look of the guns any more than necessary.
The gun market as I understand it | The High Road
2007年1月10日 · Here is the gun market--from the consumer/collector/user end. If you plan on getting anything more than half of your money out of it, you had better be sticking to handguns and military-type rifles and shotguns. The market has simply dropped out of the bottom of "sporting" rifles. I first...
Explain why a sporter/precision hybrid rifle is a bad idea
2012年9月19日 · as someone who wants to a) do moderately serious informal target practice to improve as a shooter. Mostly at 100 yards but eventually the odd trip out to crown land for some long range work. 200-300 yards. b) hunt the concept of owning one …