Sako L57 - 24hourcampfire
2012年4月23日 · More than likely it is a Sako L579, it is a Great action IMO. Cant remember the exact timeframe they were made but more than 30 years ago, a Strong ,accurate, reliable action all they need is a trigger job and to be bedded properly and they will shoot with anything ever made....good choice.
Which Sakos are the most sought after? And why?
2013年12月9日 · I have the partner to that rifle; Sako L61R Deluxe in the 13,000 serial range chambered in 264 Win Mag. Bofors marked with the sight hood as well. The stock is perfect, but I wanted to shoot it, so I found another Sako deluxe stock from the same era and had it …
2012年4月25日 · Anyone have any experience with a Sako L57? I saw one for sale for a pretty good price, but just don't know anything about them. Looking for pros/cons. Thanks, JL
L57 Trigger Adjustment - Sako Collectors Club Discussion Forum
2009年2月8日 · While trying to figure out if my L57 trigger needs a lock nut on screw E, I only found pictures that show no lock nut. Plus, the 1960 catalog introduces the #4 trigger and it does not have a lock nut. As a matter of fact if you removed the safety from the 1960 #4 trigger it looks exactly like the #2 trigger on my L57.
looking for info about Sako L57 North American Arms Grizzly …
2015年5月12日 · I recently acquired a Sako L57 in 308. It is a bit different because it is a North American Arms Grizzly model 60. I have read the other forums and learned lots about this gun. It does have bofors steel marked barrel and all the correct sako markings. I believe it was likely made in 58/59 as the serial number is a later one for the L57 (96XX).
Sako, the facts. - 24HOURCAMPFIRE
2006年5月9日 · The were three original models (sizes) of Sako bolt action Rifles, each on their own action size: Vixen (short 222, 223 et al) L46, L461, L469 action Forester (medium 22-250, 243, 308 et al) L57, L579 action Finnbear (long 270, 30-06, 7mm rem mag 300 win mag, 338 win mag, 375 H&H et al) L61R action
Value and date of Mfg. - Sako Collectors Club Discussion Forum
2024年11月21日 · However, the deluxe Coltsman models (called "Custom") were completely fabricated in Finland by Sako, some with L46 and L57 actions as well as L461, L579, and L61R actions (some had dovetails and some had round tops). There is not a high demand for the plain jane Standard grade Coltsman. They typically go for about the value of a bare Sako action.
2003年8月11日 · Sako also made in the early days, some single shot actions on the L-46, and L-57 frames, but those are fairly rare. I have exhusted my small bank of knowledge. I think the older Sako's are fine actions and have owned them in the following calibers: 243 L-579 (Browning) non-dovetail 308 AII (Beretta) non-dovetail 358 (custom AII)
Colt Coltsman 243 - 24hourcampfire
2021年1月9日 · I recently bought the WesternField version of that rifle and had it rebored to .358 winchester. I believe Sako only made about 10K of them with 5000 or so coming to the US as actions that were used by various companies to build rifles; most of them are Colts. .243 seems to be the most common. Mine is extremely smooth and trigger adjustment is ...
Grizzly 308 on L57 action NAA Canada - Sako Collectors Club …
2016年12月2日 · This is my Sako L57 grizzly with a Boyd's stock on it , pic isn't good but it says North America Arms Cal. 308 Grizzly Made in canada
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