Salii - Wikipedia
The Salii, Salians, or Salian priests were the "leaping priests" of Mars in ancient Roman religion, supposed to have been introduced by King Numa Pompilius. They were twelve patrician …
Salii | Priesthood, Rituals & Processions | Britannica
Salii, (Latin: “Dancers”), in ancient Italy, a priesthood usually associated with the worship of Mars, the god of war. Chapters of the priesthood existed in Rome and in other central Italian cities. …
Salian Franks - Wikipedia
The Salian Franks, or Salians, sometimes referred to using the Latin word Salii, were a Frankish people who lived in what was is now the Netherlands in the fourth century.
The Dancing Warrior-Priests Of Rome - The Historian's Hut
2019年8月3日 · The chants and songs they sang were not idiotic, simple crowd-pleasing tunes, but verses about war, warriors, and the Roman war god, Mars. These were the Salii of Mars …
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890)
The distinguishing dress of the Salii was an embroidered tunic, a brazen breast-plate, the trabea and the priestly cap , a sword girt at the side, on the left arm the ancile or sacred shield, and in …
Roman Sacred Rituals: The Significance of the Salii
2024年11月17日 · The Salii were a group of priests in ancient Rome who were responsible for the care and worship of sacred objects associated with Mars. Their origins can be traced back to …
(PDF) The Salii and Their Priestesses in Roman Rituals
The Salii and Saliae may have been still more widely distributed amongst the peoples of Italy. Faint echoes of the priesthood and ritual may be detected in Varro's account of the origins of …
Salii – Digital Maps of the Ancient World
The Salii, or “leaping priests,” were a group of twelve patrician youths dedicated to the service of Mars, the Roman god of war. They were known for their distinctive attire, which included a …
Salii - Woodard - Major Reference Works - Wiley Online Library
2012年10月26日 · The Salii constitute a body (sodality) of ancient Roman priests with martial affiliations. They are perhaps best known for their ritual performances extending throughout …
The jumping priests of Rome - Ancient World Magazine
2018年4月9日 · The Salii, or “Jumpers”, are perhaps one of the more peculiar, specialized priesthoods. The Salii were supposedly created by Numa, a legendary early king of Rome …