Salim Eddé — Wikipédia
Salim Eddé, né le 27 janvier 1959 à Beyrouth, est un entrepreneur, philanthrope et collectionneur libanais 1, 2. Il est le fils de l'homme politique Michel Eddé. Après avoir étudié au Collège …
Mr. Salim Eddé - Jamhour Alumni US
Salim Eddé is one of the two co-founders of the Murex group, a leading provider of software systems for the financial markets, based in Paris. Since its creation in 1986, and with the …
Mr. Salim Edde | Birzeit University
Salim Edde is a prominent Lebanese expatriate living in Paris. He is the eldest son of Michel Edde, lawyer and politician, who held various Lebanese ministerial posts between 1966 and …
Salim Edde, Co-Founder & Former CEO of Murex, Episode 1
In this episode Salim Edde, Co-Founder & Former CEO of Murex. Along this video we discuss Salim's personal career, the Mim Museum, Finance, Business, Entrepreneurship and of …
Who Is Salim Edde and Who Voted For Him? - Beirut.com
2022年9月30日 · Salim Edde’s 11 presidential votes came from the Forces of Change bloc in parliament. A journey to the presidential palace seems unlikely for Edde, as the main battle …
LAU | Events | A Talk with Murex Co-Founder Salim Edde
2024年6月20日 · The London Chapter of the Alumni Association is hosting the renowned Salim M. Edde, who will take the audience through his life journey. Edde is the co-founder of Murex. …
Salim Eddé, homme d’affaires et philanthrope, plébiscité par les ...
2022年9月29日 · Salim Eddé, fils de l'ancien ministre Michel Eddé, a été nommé par 11 députés de la contestation, lors du premier tour de vote pour l'élection d'un président de la république.
Salim Eddé and the Early Influences That Led to the mim Museum
2023年11月6日 · WHO IS SALIM EDDÉ? To many, he is a reclusive man who is never seen at mineral shows and yet has been able to amass one of the finest private mineral collections in …
salim edde | 365 Days of Lebanon
2016年2月20日 · Salim Eddé, an engineer and graduate of the École Polytechnique, began in 1997 to put together a mineral collection like no other. Eddé’s story of success could be …
Salim Eddé. Un entrepreneur philanthrope qui a du flair
2017年2月2日 · Diplômé des plus prestigieuses universités du monde, Salim Eddé dirige Murex, une entreprise spécialisée dans les logiciels bancaires, qui fait la fierté du Liban. Philanthrope, …