Salix gooddingii - Wikipedia
Salix gooddingii is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where it grows in moist and wet habitat in many types of habitat from mountains to desert. It is a common …
Salix gooddingii Calflora
Salix gooddingii is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where it grows in moist and wet habitat in many types of habitat from mountains to desert. (link added by …
Salix gooddingii, Goodding's Willow - Southwest Desert Flora
Comments: Salix gooddingii, or Goodding's Willow is found in a variety of habitats including desert shrub, chaparral and pinyon juniper. This species as with other dominant riparian species, …
Goodding's Black Willow - Calscape
Goodding's Black Willow (Salix gooddingii) is a common native tree that grows throughout the state in wetland areas. It has a moderate growth rate and is moderately long-lived. It grows in …
Salix gooddingii - US Forest Service
SPECIES: Salix gooddingii WOOD PRODUCTS VALUE: NO-ENTRY IMPORTANCE TO LIVESTOCK AND WILDLIFE: Willows (Salix spp.) provide excellent browse and cover for …
Salix gooddingii - USDA Plants Database
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Goodding’s Black Willow - Nature Collective
Goodding’s black willow (or black willow, Salix gooddingii) was once a dominant tree in an extensive riparian vegetation along the slow-moving, meandering rivers of the southwest …
CNPS Alliance: Salix gooddingii - Salix laevigata
Salix gooddingii is an alliance indicator, or a secondary species in Populus fremontii and Salix exigua alliances, including along the Sacramento River (Vaghti 2003, Vaghti and Greco 2007) …
Salix gooddingii Goodding's Willow PFAF Plant Database
Salix gooddingii is a deciduous Tree growing to 10 m (32ft 10in) at a fast rate. See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 7 and is not frost tender. It is in flower in April, and the …
Salix gooddingii Calflora
Salix gooddingii is a tree that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America.