Sally Shi - YouTube
We find our abundant life in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, in his Word (the Bible) alone, by the power of the Holy Spirit alone, doing a...
专访Sally Shi:懂得选择,鱼和熊掌可以兼得|美国|靳羽西|sally_网 …
2023年3月4日 · “知名投资人、ScalableVision Capital 创始人 Sally Shi (史亦萍)在1月26日接受华美协进社(China Institute)所颁发的杰出亚裔女性奖时如是说。 Sally Shi 接受靳羽西女士颁奖. 华美协进社本次颁奖典礼的主题为“Woman Who Dared”, 旨在表彰美国各界杰出的亚裔女性。 获奖的还有美国第一位华人女法官Lilian K. Sing、比亚迪美洲区总裁Stella Li、盛大集团联合创始人及总裁Chrissy Luo、旧金山芭蕾舞团首席舞者谭元元等共11位在各自领域成绩斐然的亚裔女性。 …
博客 | Sally Shi
We find our abundant life in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, in his Word (the Bible) alone, by the power of the Holy Spirit alone, doing all things for His glory alone.
Sally Shi - jingsheng.org
Kalam Christian Community
Sally Shi:简约希腊文化 理性的灯塔是什么?_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
Sally Shi:简约希腊文化 理性的灯塔是什么?
Sally Shi 寂静的声音 Podcast - Apple Podcasts
Sally Shi 的传福音频道,介绍教会历史,欧洲历史,圣经历史,以及最重要的--学习圣经!
圣经概览(旧约)系列--Sally Shi - H.Land
2022年11月18日 · 介绍圣经旧约的概览,由Sally Shi撰写。
Sally Shi老师专栏(汇总)
2024年4月15日 · 8节说,「务要谨守、警醒,因为你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。 」我们要知道,魔鬼如同吼叫的狮子。 彼得没有说,我们的仇敌魔鬼是 …
Sally Shi (MBA'96) Named an Outstanding Asian American …
2023年5月18日 · Situated in San Francisco, California, Shi was recently honored by the China Institute as one of 12 Outstanding Asian American Women for her impact on the Bay Area Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community – an award honoring 12 outstanding Chinese-American women who dared to create positive change for the current and future AAPI ...
視頻 | Sally Shi
We find our abundant life in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone, in his Word (the Bible) alone, by the power of the Holy Spirit alone, doing all things for His glory alone.
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