MLC最后的辉煌——Samsung 970 Pro 1TB评测 - 什么值得买
2022年5月5日 · SSD市场高端领域的产品以往有闪迪Extreme Pro系列、三星Pro系列等,他们有着同代甚至后两三代消费级产品难以比拟的高性能和高保修。随着闪迪Extreme Pro系列弃用MLC颗粒,三星的Pro系列作为最后的MLC产品一直以来是玩家心中睾贵的象征:它不仅拥有同 …
NVMe 协议的MLC SSD汇总及推荐 - 哔哩哔哩
ssd掉速的原因有很多,最常见的一个原因就是tlc/qlc出了slc缓存导致速度下降。 MLC硬盘没这个问题。 目前,主流固态硬盘都使用TLC或者QLC颗粒,不过我本人还在用MLC颗粒的固态硬盘。
Samsung 970 Pro SSD Review: Expensive MLC Excellence - Tom's Hardware
2018年4月24日 · The Samsung 970 Pro comes to market in a familiar package that pays homage to the company's two previous consumer NVMe SSDs. Samsung lists the five-year warranty but doesn't include performance...
Amazon.com: Samsung MLC SSD
Samsung 990 PRO 2TB, 3-bit MLC V-NAND, M.2 (2280), NVMe 2.0, R/W(Max) 7,450MB/s/6,900MB/s, 1,400K/1,550K IOPS, 1200TBW, 5 Years Warranty
Your Guide to Samsung’s Wide-Ranging SSD Selection
2019年5月23日 · The 860 QVO comes with Samsung’s latest 4-bit MLC NAND flash technology, as well as a new, SATA-optimized MJX controller, and offers sequential read and write speeds of up to 550 MB/s and 520MB/s, respectively. This makes the 860 QVO’s speed comparable to that of the conventional 3-bit SATA SSDs.
970 PRO NVMe ® M.2 SSD 1TB - Samsung Electronics America
For intensive workloads on PCs and workstations, the 970 PRO delivers ultimate performance powered by Samsung's NVMe ® SSD leadership. The latest V-NAND technology and new in-house controller in a compact M.2 (2280) form factor meets the needs of the most demanding tech enthusiasts and professionals.
970 EVO Plus NVMe™ M.2 固态硬盘-性能升级-稳定耐用-2TB | 三 …
Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe SSD with a latest V-NAND and Samsung†s intelligent TurboWrite technology delivers the next-generation SSD performance
SAMSUNG 870 EVO SATA III SSD 1TB 2.5” Internal Solid State …
THE SSD ALL-STAR: The latest 870 EVO has indisputable performance, reliability and compatibility built upon Samsung's pioneering technology. S.M.A.R.T. Support: Yes
【装机科普日报】MLC颗粒捡垃圾?低价三星MLC颗粒老固态评测 …
mlc颗粒固态的pe次数一般不会少于3000次,所以一两百次也不算多。 SSD-Z软件可以检测出基本信息,也提示了“损耗均衡计数”(10进制=134)。 两款主流软件跑分。
MLC的SSD固態硬碟 - Mobile01
2022年8月8日 · 現在要買mlc的很難了,企業級的ssd從數據上tlc不見得壽命短, 不知道是不是之前mlc的規格寫的太保守了,去蝦皮找還可以找到s4610, 同樣是intel企業級ssd,mlc與tlc的壽命怎麼差異這麼大
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