Acupuncture.Com - Acupuncture Points - San Jiao 17
Home > Education > Acupuncture Point Location > San Jiao Meridian Index > San Jiao 17 San Jiao 17 Chinese Name: Yifeng (English translation: Wind Screen) Location: Posterior to the …
SJ17 (Yifeng) - Saludymedicinachina.com
Yifeng es el décimo séptimo de los veintitrés puntos pertenecientes al Meridiano de San Jiao. Este se enuncia como SJ17 y según el significado de su nombre se conoce como Pantalla del …
San Jiao 17 (SJ 17) - Acupuncture Points - Acufinder.com
Learn more about the function, location, and specific use of the San Jiao 17 (SJ 17) acupuncture point.
How to locate and needle San Jiao 17 Yifeng (Wind Screen)
2022年9月21日 · To needle San Jiao 17, use a perpendicular insertion towards the opposite ear, to a maximum depth of 0.5 cun. The main TCM actions of San Jiao 17 are: It benefits the ears …
Yifeng Acupoint:SJ 17 Acupuncture Point Or San Jiao 17
2021年3月15日 · The name of “Yifeng” means that the Qi of San Jiao Meridian transforms into the Yang-qi of the heaven. The substance of this acupoint is the hot wind-qi from SJ 16 …
San Jiao (Triple Burner) 17 : Yi Feng : Wind Screen : Acupuncture ...
San Jiao (Triple Burner) 17 | Yi Feng | 翳風: This acupuncture point, used in traditional Chinese medicine, is located Posterior to the lobule of the ear, in the depression between the mandible …
The San Jiao Channel and its 23 Acupuncture Points
2024年5月6日 · Today, I look at the San Jiao channel and its 23 acupuncture points functions and location made easy. Without a doubt, the San Jiao is a little bit of a weird entity within the Zang …
Reflexo - Acupuncture Point Yifeng SJ-17
Behind the earlobe, between the ramus of the mandible and the mastoid process, in the depression just superior to the palpable transverse process of the first cervical vertebra. The …
POINT: SJ-17 (SAN JIAO-17 ) - American Dragon
Perpendicular insertion, directed towards the opposite ear, 0.5 to 1 Caution: if the needle is directed too anteriorly or posteriorly, pain will ensue and may cause discomfort on opening …
SJ-17 (Yi Feng) Wind Screen - Acupuncture point on the San Jiao …
SJ-17 (Yi Feng) is an Acupuncture Point on the San Jiao Channel of Hand Shao Yang. The point name can be translated as 'Wind Screen'