Ball Valve Series CBV - Sanhua
CBV valves are typical used in commercial CO2 refrigeration applications in order to open and to shut off inner flow path by operating the valve stem. The ball valve of series CBV is applicable for ubcritical C02 refrigeration systems and is a perfect choice for all similar CO2 systems.
Ball Valve Series CBV - Sanhua
The ball valve of series CBV is applicable for ubcritical C02 refrigeration systems and is a perfect choice for all similar CO2 systems. CBV valves are typical used in commercial CO2 refrigeration applications in order to open and o shut off inner flow path by operating the valve stem.
SANHUA CBV SERIES Ball Valve STANDARD CBV valves are typical used in commercial CO2 refrigeration applications in order to open and to shut of inner . low path by operating the valve …
CBV valves are typically used in commercial CO2 refrigeration applications in order to open and to shut of inner flow path by operating the valve stem. The ball valve of series CBV is applicable for subcritical C02 refrigeration systems and is a perfect choice for all similar CO2 systems.
CBV valves are typically used in commercial CO2 refrigeration applications in order to open and to shut of inner flow path by operating the valve stem. The ball valve of series CBV is applicable for subcritical C02 refrigeration systems and is a perfect choice for all similar CO2 systems.
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系列 BCV 系列单向阀用来控制制冷剂的单向流通,防止制冷剂�. 系列 CBVT 在CO2 系统中通过对阀杆的操作,可以开启或切断制冷剂流通�. 径。在设备检修时可以作为检修阀�. 用。 同时,也可用来抽空或添加制冷�. 系列 CBV 在CO2 系统中通过对阀杆的操作,可以开启或切断制冷剂流通�. 径。在设备检修时可以作为检修阀�. 用。 同时,也可用来抽真空或添加制冷�. 系列 压力变送器用于实时监控系统的压力,保证系统在安全、 稳定的工况下�. 系列 DPF(R)在系统中可以实现自动 …
三花控股集团 - sanhuagroup.com
2018年5月17日 · 作为制冷空调行业的引领者,三花以一贯的专业技术和专注创深耕制冷领域,在二氧化碳系统应用方面,三花能够提供全系列的球阀解决方案,如亚临界应用的CBV系列球阀可以达到60bar,和跨临界应用的CBVT系列球阀(图2)。
Ball Valve-CBV Series CBV can open or close the flow channel of refrigerant by operating the valve stem. It can be used as a maintenance valve during equipment maintenance. At the same time, it can also be used to vacuum or add refrigerant.
球阀 SBV 系列_手动球阀_产品中心_三花亚太官网
球阀适用于商用空调、冷冻冷藏等设备的管路上,通过操作阀杆,开启和切断内部流通路径,在维修时做检修阀,用来抽真空,添加制冷剂等。 需要更多介绍还要线下找? 在这里查找所有技术规格和产品数据。 球阀适用于商用空调、冷冻冷藏等设备的管路上,通过操作阀杆,开启和切断内部流通路径,在维修时做检修阀,用来抽真空,添加制冷剂等。
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