Sanskrit Documents Collection : Home Page
In addition to the Sanskrit texts, you will find here various tools and links for learning Sanskrit. We have also compiled long lists of Sanskrit documents available elsewhere, bookstores, Veda Pathashala, and hundreds of scanned books.
Sanskrit - Wikipedia
Sanskrit was a spoken language in the educated and the elite classes, but it was also a language that must have been understood in a wider circle of society because the widely popular folk epics and stories such as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bhagavata Purana, the Panchatantra and many other texts are all in the Sanskrit language. [121]
Sanskrit Texts and Stotras
Study Sanskrit, read Sanskrit texts, listen to Vedic pundits chant, or read Sanksrit humor. This site contains a wide variety of Sanskrit texts and stotras in the pdf format, which you can view, print, or download for your personal use.
Sanskrit literature - Wikipedia
Sanskrit literature is a broad term for all literature composed in Sanskrit. This includes texts composed in the earliest attested descendant of the Proto-Indo-Aryan language known as Vedic Sanskrit, texts in Classical Sanskrit as well as some mixed and non-standard forms of Sanskrit.
Learn Sanskrit Online
Sanskrit for Beginners — Our complete guide to Sanskrit uses clear and simple language. Learn Sanskrit from the beginning without any busywork. [new] Ambuda — Traditional Sanskrit texts with a word-for-word analysis and integrated dictionary. Our newest project.
Sanskrit Library
The Sanskrit Library is a digital library dedicated to facilitating education and research in Sanskrit by providing access to digitized primary texts and computerized research and study tools to analyze and maximize their utility.
A breakthrough Sanskrit library. Read our library of traditional Sanskrit texts with word-by-word analysis, integrated dictionary support, and so much more.
Hindu Shlokas, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Granthas, Mantras
All Shlokas in Sanskrit with English transliteration and meaning, along with audio rendering, plus commentaries and notes where available.
Sanskrit Documents
Please follow the drop down navigation menu above to reach a particular text. We have listed the texts in "Documents" according to Deities and various Categories, in addition to Major Texts. Explore additional sections such as Sanskrit Learning Tools …
Sri Rudram Namakam - Samskritam | Vaidika Vignanam
A collection of spiritual and devotional literature in various Indian languages in Sanskrit, Samskrutam, Hindia, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, English scripts with pdf.