Sanwa Holdings Corporation
The Sanwa Group boasts a large number of Group companies not only in Japan but also overseas. We create synergies between the companies to provide products and services to customers around the world as a major global player.
Sanwa Group - Wikipedia
The Sanwa Group (三和グループ, Sanwa gurūpu) was a leading Japanese keiretsu, based in Osaka, between World War II and the Japanese asset price bubble in the early 1990s. It remains in existence as a jointly held company called Midori-kai (みどり会). Sanwa Bank was a major financier for the textile industry in the 1950s. After ...
三和集团 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
三和财团 (日语: 三和グループ / 英語: Sanwa Group)是 日本 原来的 鸿池财阀 (日语:鴻池財閥) 与 山口财阀 (日语:山口財閥) 在 第二次世界大战 后因 财阀解体 而重组并再度发展后的 企业间组织 (日语:企業間組織)。 日本 的旧 财阀 系企业在 第二次世界大战 后多数以 企业集团 的形式重组起来 [1]。 在旧财阀时代几乎在日本 金融 与 工业 各领域都有关联子公司的 三井 、 三菱 及 住友 等三大财阀均在战后都几乎原封不动的以企业集团形式完成了重组 [a][2]。 但是除 …
Home | Sanwa Group
Sanwa Group have steadily evolved with our operations, achieving regional prominence and acquiring niche to participate competitively in the international market arena.
Group Structure|Sanwa Holdings Corporation
Since we established Sanwa Shutter Hong Kong in 1986, the Sanwa Group has been pursuing global expansion ahead of other Japanese companies in the industry. As a major global player in the access systems industry, we conduct business in 27 countries and regions worldwide, and have a particularly strong presence in our three focus regions of ...
Company Outline|Sanwa Holdings Corporation
Protecting customers from disasters and accidents, and bringing convenience and comfort to customers in their daily lives is the Sanwa Group’s mission. To continue to deliver that value, our access systems must meet the expectations of customers at all times.
Sanwa Group
The Sanwa Group of Companies is made up of four entities, namely Percetakan Sanwa Industries Sdn. Bhd., Ban-Seng Packaging Sdn. Bhd., THL Marketing Sdn. Bhd., and PSI Design Solutions Sdn. Bhd. Since our humble beginnings, the group has specialised in high-quality offset printing and the production of corrugated paper packaging for industrial ...
Milestones - Sanwa Group
Established PT Sanwa Engineering Jakarta, Indonesia; Established Sanwa Plastic Tianjin, China
サンワグループはお客様の満足を第一に、技術力・提案力・スピードを基本にお客様にBest solutionを提供します。 すべてのステークホルダから信頼される企業市民として、豊かな社会と明るい未来の実現に貢献します。
Thower(Thought + Power + Resouce). 私たちはお互いの人格を尊重し、基本的な権利を認め、共同の責任と謙虚な心を持ち、企業の価値と社会福祉の構築を目指します。