Sara Malka Winter - OU Torah
Sara Malka Winter Mrs. Sara Malka Winter holds a Master of Science degree in education and is a sought-after speaker in her community of Silver Spring, Maryland. As a teenager, Mrs. Winter founded Ashreinu, a Canadian kiruv organization dedicated to Jewish outreach to the Russian immigrant community, which has i...
Greater Washington Community Kollel
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter. Mrs. Winter is a sought-after lecturer for women in Greater Washington and beyond on diverse topics including Tefillah, Chumash, Nach, Tehillim, Chagim and Mitzvos. Mrs. Winter is also a beloved teacher at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington Girls Division.
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter - OU Women
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter holds a Master of Science degree in education and is a sought-after speaker in her community of Silver Spring, Maryland. As a teenager, Mrs. Winter founded Ashreinu, a Canadian kiruv organization dedicated to Jewish outreach to the Russian immigrant community, which has influenced hundreds of girls.
Nach Shabbat 2025 - OU Women
6 days ago · Mrs. Sara Malka Winter. Mrs. Sara Malka Winter holds a Master of Science degree in education and is a sought-after speaker in her community of Silver Spring, Maryland. As a teenager, Mrs. Winter founded Ashreinu, a Canadian kiruv organization dedicated to Jewish outreach to the Russian immigrant community, which has influenced hundreds of girls ...
Torat Imecha Speakers - OU Women
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter Mrs. Sara Malka Winter holds a Master of Science degree in education and is a sought-after speaker in her community of Silver Spring, Maryland. As a teenager, Mrs. Winter founded Ashreinu, a Canadian kiruv organization dedicated to Jewish outreach to the Russian immigrant community, which has influenced hundreds of girls.
A Perek a Day - Mishpacha Magazine
Mar 26, 2024 · When Rebbetzin Shmidman asked Sara Malka Winter, beloved teacher and sought-after speaker from Silver Spring, Maryland, which sefer of Nach she’d be comfortable teaching, Tehillim was a natural choice. She had already been teaching it for a few years, so it was familiar content.
Tehillim 130 - Torat Imecha Nach Yomi - OU Torah
Mrs. Sara Malka Winter holds a Master of Science degree in education and is a sought-after speaker in her community of Silver Spring, Maryland. As a teenager, Mrs. Winter founded Ashreinu, a Canadian kiruv organization dedicated to Jewish outreach to the Russian immigrant community, which has influenced hundreds of girls.
Sara Malka Winter, Author at OU Life - Orthodox Union
Sara Malka Winter 1 articles. Around the OU. Women Immerse Themselves in Prophets and Psalms. By Sara Malka Winter. Subscribe To The OU’s Shabbat Shalom Weekly Newsletter. Weekly email newsletter filled with articles, Divrei Torah, upcoming events and more! Sign up today. Our programs. Teens; College Campus ...
Kabbalas HaTorah & Me, Mrs. Sara Malka Winter - Shavuos 5782
Zoom recording of shiur for Nismach members, featuring Mrs. Sara Malka Winter. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started
Rosh Hashanah: Hope, Resilience, and Love - Mrs. Sarah Malka Winter ...
Zoom recording of shiur for Nismach members, featuring Mrs. Sarah Malka Winter Nismach is a project of Yad Yehuda of Greater Washington which is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization. Tax ID 22-3949731
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