Sarah - Wikipedia
Sarah[a] (born Sarai) [b] is a biblical matriarch, prophet, and major figure in Abrahamic religions.
历史上著名的名为“莎拉”的人有Saint Sarah(吉普赛的保护圣徒,莫尔伯勒市的第一位女公爵),十九世纪的女演员Sarah Bernhardt,十九世纪的美国作家Sarah Hale。 “莎拉”已经流行 …
13 Sarah Facts You Should Know - Chabad.org
Sarah was the first of the four mothers of the Jewish people, followed by Rebecca (wife of her son, Isaac), and then Leah and Rachel (wives of her grandson Jacob). 1. Read: Why Just …
Sarah (given name) - Wikipedia
Sarah is a common feminine given name of Hebrew origin. [3][4][5] It derives its popularity from the biblical matriarch Sarah, the wife of Abraham and a major figure in the Abrahamic religions.
Sarah的解释和发音 「欧路词典」英汉-汉英词典 为您提供权威的 …
Who is Sarah in the Bible and Why is She Important? - Beliefnet
Sarah, the wife of Abraham in the Bible was a woman in the Bible who discovered that God was in the miracle working business. She left her home willingly, alongside Abraham and...
S.A.R.A.H, a Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health
Sarah is a prototype of a digital health promoter*, available 24/7 in eight languages via video or text. She can provide tips to destress, eat right, quit tobacco and e-cigarettes, as well as give …
Sarah是什么意思_Sarah的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线 …
レストランの一皿に対する口コミを中心とした、おいしい! が増えるグルメアプリSARAH [サラ] 全国3084905件の件の人気メニューランキングから、それぞれのジャンル・地域の人気おす …
Rede SARAH - Sarah
A Rede SARAH utiliza cookies, que são arquivos que registram e gravam temporariamente no computador do usuário, para fins estatísticos e de aprimoramento de nossos serviços, as …