S.A.R.A.H, a Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health
Sarah is a prototype of a digital health promoter*, available 24/7 in eight languages via video or text. She can provide tips to destress, eat right, quit tobacco and e-cigarettes, as well as give information on several other health topics. She is not designed to give medical advice.
S.A.R.A.H.是“聪明的人工智能健康资源助手”英文首字母缩写。 它使用新的语言模型和尖端技术,代表人工智能驱动型健康信息化身的发展。 它可以用8种语言全天候与使用任何设备的用户讨论多种健康主题。 世卫组织的数字健康促进工作者接受过培训,可以提供包括健康习惯和心理健康在内的主要卫生话题相关信息,帮助人们更好地走向身心健康。 它旨在为人们提供实现健康权的又一个工具,无论他们身在何处。 S.A.R.A.H.,也称为 Sarah, 有能力支持人们更好地了解世界 …
WHO unveils a digital health promoter harnessing generative AI …
2024年4月2日 · S.A.R.A.H. is a Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health that represents an evolution of AI-powered health information avatars, using new language models and cutting-edge technology. It can engage users 24 hours a day in 8 languages on multiple health topics, on …
SaraAI - Home
Sara AI is a project of Artificial General Intelligence that can not only answer questions like an ordinary assistant, but can also ask them, i.e. have a conversation as we know it from contacts with humans. Sara AI establishes contact with the user, creating a …
认识 Sarah AI:世卫组织新的 ChatGPT 驱动的健康聊天机器人
世界卫生组织 (WHO) 推出了 Sarah AI,这是一款由 ChatGPT 技术支持的尖端聊天机器人,在彻底改变数字健康促进方面迈出了重要一步。 Sarah 代表健康智能人工智能资源助手,代表了向全世界个人提供可访问和个性化健康信息的新时代。
支持中文对话!世卫组织的“AI数字人”SARAH 初步使用体验如何?
2024年4月19日 · 根据世卫组织官员的介绍,SARAH是“聪明的人工智能健康资源助手”英文首字母缩写。 其使用新的AI大语言模型和尖端技术,代表人工智能驱动型健康信息化身的发展。 SARAH可以使用8种语言全天候与使用任何设备的用户讨论多种健康主题,其中也包含了中文互动。 世卫组织表示,Sarah可以提供减压、正确饮食、戒烟和电子烟、道路安全方面的建议,并可提供包括精神卫生在内的涉及主要健康领域的各种信息,拥有可用于帮助预防世界上一些最主要 …
Have Health Questions? Ask S.A.R.A.H., an AI Health Assistant - WebMD
2024年4月10日 · S.A.R.A.H. is a new interactive artificial intelligence resource from the World Health Organization. S.A.R.A.H. can also provide information on mental health, cancer, heart disease, lung...
WHO - Sarah - Digital Health Worker
Hello, I'm Sarah, WHO’s Digital Health Promoter We’re almost ready to begin. While I prepare the page for you, have a look at some of the topics I specialize in.
Sarah AI - The Human Touch of AI by AI Connect
What is Sarah AI? Sarah AI is your intelligent business partner. As an AI assistant developed by AI Connect, Sarah learns and adapts to your team's needs, processes, and clients. Built on the GPT model, she evolves with every interaction, enhancing her efficiency and adaptability.
Meet Sarah AI: WHO’s New ChatGPT-Driven Health Chatbot - AI …
Sarah, which stands for Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health, represents a new era in providing accessible and personalized health information to individuals worldwide. Developed in collaboration with Soul Machines Limited and Rooftop, Sarah AI is a digital health promoter that operates around the clock in eight languages, offering health ...