形式名(Type): JQX-30A 名称(Name): SART Radar Transponder. 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚 (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr6+) (PBB) (PBDE) 主要装置 (Main Unit)×× ×××. 外部设备(Peripherals) ・选择(Options) ・手册(Documennts) ×× ×××. JRC Code No. : 7ZPKD0004A. 电子信息产品有害物资申明. 日本无线株式会社 有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量. 部件名称 (Part name) 有毒有害物质或元素 (Toxic and Hazardous Substances and Elements)
JRC SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder) JQX-30A GMDSS M JQX-30Atž. (GMDSS)J JQX-30Atts IMO • ITU 'ON" JQX-30A(t O, B*YSART SAR T 2 — F
JRC JQX-30 A BROCHURE Pdf Download - ManualsLib
View and Download JRC JQX-30 A brochure online. SART (Search and Rescue Radar Transponder). JQX-30 A marine radio pdf manual download.
搜救雷达应答器SART的安装与操作 - 豆丁网
2021年3月19日 · •sart是gmdss中用来近距离确定遇难船舶、救生艇(筏)及幸存者位. 置的主要方式。sart是遇险现场使用的设备,能引导搜救飞机或搜. 救船舶尽快地搜寻到遇险者,并可让持有sart的幸存者知道是否有. 救助飞机或救助船舶在靠近他们。图9一1(a)为sar一9型sart •2.sart的 ...
jqx-30a日本JRC雷达应答器|雷达应答器 - 瞰海船舶电器
日本JRC品牌JQX-30A 是一台性能非常可靠的无需维护的搜救雷达应答器,符合SOLAS海上人命安全公约要求。 船载的GMDSS的安装包括用来定位一艘救生筏艇或船的搜救雷达(应答器(SART)设备。 搜救雷达应答器在9G赫兹频段上传输解码信号,在搜救船的雷达显示屏上产生一串小点,从而提供确切的位置,使搜救(SAR)行动可立即响应。 搜救雷达应答器(SART)能连续超过8个小时传输信号,其待机模式可开启长达96小时。 JQX-30A颜色鲜艳,轻质耐用,安装简 …
结雅希(上海)贸易有限公司官方网站/JRC Shanghai
jqx-30a 是一台性能非常可靠的无需维护的搜救雷达应答器,符合solas海上人命安全公约要求。 船载的GMDSS的安装包括用来定位一艘救生筏艇或船的搜救雷达(应答器(SART)设备。
JQX 30a | PDF - Scribd
STM Marine Electronics Ltd.
Radar transponder JRC SART JQX-30 A is necessary for the conduct of search and rescue at sea. The device is a necessary equipment GMDSS on board and approved by the Russian Maritime Register as an emergency radio equipment, which provides an indication of the location of the ship and rescue equipment for search and rescue purposes.
JQX-30A - Polar Marine
The JQX-30A is a highly reliable and maintenance free search and rescue radar transponder and meets the requirements set by SOLAS.
JRC SART JQX-30 А - «Communication and Radionavigation SPB» …
Radar transponder JRC SART JQX-30 A is necessary for the conduct of search and rescue at sea. The device is a necessary equipment GMDSS on board and approved by the Russian Maritime Register as an emergency radio equipment, which provides an indication of the location of the ship and rescue equipment for search and rescue purposes.
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