Karate stances - Wikipedia
Sagi-ashi-dachi (鷺足立 Heron-foot stance) also known as Tsuru-ashi-dachi (鶴足立 Crane-foot stance) This is the stance on one leg, where the other leg is raised and bent so that its foot …
The Complete List of Basic Karate Stances - The Karate Lifestyle
2024年1月12日 · Description: Hachiji-dachi, also known as yoi-dachi is a formal waiting posture used in some styles of Karate. Hachiji-dachi can also be used after standing bowing of while …
Karate A-Z — Sasori Karate Club, London
As we’re a traditional Shotokan Karate club, Japanese language and terminology is an important part of our training. Although there’s a long list of words and phrases, everyone quickly …
Sanchin-dachi (Hourglass stance) - The Martial Way
Sanchin-dachi is an ideal defensive posture for close-up fighting, and is sometimes used as a base for grappling. 1. Your rear foot should be facing directly forwards. Your front foot should …
Techniques – Westmount Karate-Do & Kobudo Club
One-legged stance in which one foot rests alongside the other leg’s knee. See also: Sagiashi dachi. Cat stance. Ninety percent of weight is on the bent back leg with remainder of weight on …
It utilizes Kiba Dachi stances, and the dynamic breathing and block/striking techniques are typical of the Naha-Te style. Seienchin is believed to be one of the most conserved Kata practiced by …
Shito-Ryu Kata: Rohai - Seishin-Kan
Rohai (鷺牌) is an Itosu-kei kata, passed on by Itosu Ankō, who learned it from Matsumura Sōkon. The name Rohai means "Heron Signboard," which is customarily interpreted as a reference to …
Karate terms and techniques – Karate Kata Step By Step
dropping kick with the back of the heel (kakato). A list of karate terms and techniques can be found below. If you find a missing term/technique please tell me and I will add it: feedback.
finding mushin: Seisan-dachi - Blogger
2011年8月12日 · Modern seisan-dachi is more of a cross between hangetsu-dachi and zenkutsu-dachi. Let's take a closer look. Width: three fists or shoulder width on inside of feet. Depth: two …
Collection of common Japanese terms used in Karate, particularly in Shito-ryu and some other styles. Below are some Japanese terms that starts with the following alphabets... Updated: …