assembly - How to print float number in SASM? - Stack Overflow
May 17, 2014 · Since SASM hasn't got a PRINT_FLOAT-macro you have convert the fractional part of the result into an ASCIIZ-string. This can be manage by isolating the digits by multiplying the fractional part with 10. The resulting integer is the next decimal digit.
gcc.exe error in SASM assembly - Stack Overflow
Mar 20, 2016 · I am trying to learn assembly and am starting to understand the basics and I found a part of this code online and have been messing with it. Here is the code: %include "io.inc" prompt1 db "Enter a
sasm - GET_STRING in simple asm Assembly doesn't return string
Jun 16, 2020 · I am new to assembly and trying to do a small excersise for the classroom. Collecting 3 input variables from user: 1st one is a math operation symbol ( + - and *) 2nd variable is a number to add or
assembly - SASM PRINT_DEC 2, ah - Stack Overflow
Feb 19, 2023 · I'm using SASM editor for assembler. And I use PRINT_DEC from "io.inc" library to print. And here is the problem: %include "io.inc" section .text global main main: mov eax, 0 mov ah, 1 PRINT_DEC 2, ah xor eax, eax ret
SASM closing instantly (NASM Windows 10) - Stack Overflow
May 15, 2018 · I'm using SASM and within it, NASM. Whenever I open run my simple NASM file, it closes in the blink of an eye. Here is my code: %include "io64.inc" section .text global CMAIN CMAIN: mov eax,4...
Recently Active 'sasm' Questions - Stack Overflow
Oct 18, 2023 · I'm using the SASM IDE by Dmitry Manushin to write a program in FASM. My code is as follows: format ELF section '.data' writeable msg db 'Hello, world of Flat ASM!', 0Dh, 0Ah, 00h ; terminate ...
x86 - Assembly SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault - Stack Overflow
Jul 20, 2017 · I don't know what SASM uses for linker scripts but likely the .DATA section is not the typical name for the read/write section and likely lead to the linker creating the executable with .DATA being readonly. The read/write section is usually called .data (lowercase matters). Try modifying SECTION .DATA to read: SECTION .data
how to set up macro assembler in my simpleASM ide
Oct 23, 2022 · im very new to assembly and i just recently downloaded sasm and I'm trying to run this code.; AddTwo.asm - adds two 32-bit integers ; Chapter 3 example ExitProcess PROTO, dwExitCode: DWORD .386 .model flat, stdcall .stack 4096 .code main PROC mov eax, 5 ; move 5 to the eax register add eax, 6 ; add 6 to the eax register INVOKE ExitProcess,0 main ENDP …
Using scanf in assembly SASM to receive input to register and not …
Dec 20, 2017 · You can use any memory, not just stack. The code above is missing the initialization of rdx.Note that movzbq (%rdx), %rcx is also using it as a pointer.
Read specific bytes of a file in x86 sasm assembly
Dec 21, 2020 · So, I have the following code: section .data sizebuf dw 1024 section .bss buf resb 1024 section .text global _start _start: ; put bmp file name in rbx pop rbx pop rbx...