美国本科申请之考试篇 | SAT2 (subject test)干货大全和备考指 …
SAT 2 全称为 SAT Subject Test (SAT科目考试),是对美国高中生某一科目的专业知识考察,也是许多美国名牌大学本科录取时的重要参考依据之一。 美国大学对于各种标化成绩的需求,主要分为以下三类: (1)ACT or SAT + SAT 2 ;即ACT、SAT二选一,且必须提交SAT 2. (2)SAT 2 or ACT + SAT ;即SAT 2 、ACT二选一,且必须提交SAT. (3)ACT or SAT ;即ACT 和SAT二选一,无需提交SAT 2. 而在全美排名前50的大学中,有14所学校要求申请者必须提交SAT 2 …
SAT 1 vs SAT 2: What's the Difference? - PrepScholar
You might have heard of something called the SAT II (or SAT 2) and wondered what it could be. A secret, harder version of the SAT, perhaps? The reality is less dramatic: the SAT II is just an old name for the SAT Subject Tests. This guide will explain what the SAT II was and outline the differences between the SAT 1 vs SAT 2.
SAT1和SAT2有什么不同? - 知乎专栏
sat ii专项测试每科满分800分,考生可根据申请专业和学校要求报考。 ★ SAT II数学类有两门考试可选择:数学一(level 1)和数学二(level 2),数学1和数学2包含的内容几乎没有差别,都是矩阵,代数,概率,平面几何,3D几何等等,区别在于各个知识点的权重。
What were SAT Subject Tests? - College Board Blog
2024年2月23日 · SAT Subject Tests™ were standardized college admission tests in specific subjects. Students could choose to take these tests, in addition to the SAT, to showcase their strengths and interests. Previously called SAT II: Subject Tests, and before that Achievement Tests, each Subject Test examined students’ understanding of material taught in school.
SAT Subject Tests - Wikipedia
SAT Subject Tests were a set of multiple-choice standardized tests given by The College Board on individual topics, typically taken to improve a student's credentials for college admissions in the United States.
CB取消了SAT Subject (SAT 2) 意味着什么? - 知乎专栏
SAT2在美国本地立即取消,已经注册的学生将自动被取消注册并收到退款,不需要大家采取进一步行动。 对于国际生来说,美国境外的国际考区,包括香港、韩国、新加坡等亚太考场 将会在2021年5月及6月举办最后两场SAT2考试,之后就没有了。 对于国际考生想退考已注册的SAT2考试,最快的方式是拨打+1-212-713-7789(国际),联系客服进行取消。 当然,如果打电话不方便,也可发电子邮件进行取消,具体邮箱为:[email protected],需要提醒大家的是, …
sat2 - 百度百科
SAT2,亦称SATII,或SAT Subject Tests,是美国大学录取应届高中生时采用的学业水平考试。 SAT2考试采用全球统一试卷,因此其成绩具有全球可比性,是衡量不同地区学生的学业水平的重要参考,在录取实际操作过程中往往替代高中成绩单。
SAT I vs SAT II: What’s the Difference? | CollegeVine Blog
2019年5月29日 · Despite the commonality of the name, the SAT I and SAT II are actually very different exams. Put simply, the SAT I tests general academic preparedness, while the subject tests offer an opportunity for students to demonstrate excellence within a given topic.
SAT 科目考试 (SAT 2) 概述 | Ivy-Way留學部落格 | 最即時、完整的 …
2019年4月23日 · SAT II每年提供六次,并且由于每次测试均为60分钟,因此学生可以选择 在同一天最多进行三项测试。 大多数学院(特别是有名望的大学)会特别要求获得2分或更高的SAT II分数,而有些则是灵活考试或可选考试的。 也可能有不同的水平/版本可供选择,包括数学(I级和II级)和生物学(生态学和分子学)。 因此,在注册任何SAT II测试之前,请务必仔细检查! 另请注意,通常仅在特定日期提供所有外语测试,仅在11月提供带有听力的语言测试。 多年来,II级数 …
SAT II Information - Math.com
The SAT II is a set of more than 20 different tests focusing on specific disciplines such as English, History and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Foreign Languages. Each Subject Test lasts one hour and consists entirely of multiple-choice questions, except for the Writing Test, which has a 20-minute essay section in ...
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