SAT-7 USA: Christian Television for the Middle East and North Africa
SAT-7 USA Satellite television transforming the Middle East through hope in Jesus Christ. Based in the Middle East broadcasting in Arabic, Turkish, Persian.
SAT-7 | Making God's Love Visible
Broadcasting to millions of people across MENA region, SAT-7 is making God's love visible, making the local Church visible, and making rights visible.
SAT-7 - Wikipedia
SAT-7 is a Christian satellite television network broadcasting in Arabic, Persian and Turkish across 25 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, along with about 50 countries in Europe. SAT-7 was founded as a nonprofit organization in 1995 …
About Us - SAT-7 USA
SAT-7 is making God’s love visible in the Middle East and North Africa, where around 96% of the people are non-Christian. While many of these countries are closed to the Gospel, our four satellite TV channels and online media by-pass censorship. Viewers are coming to faith and Christians are growing in their faith.
Watch Live - SAT-7 USA
In a region where countless children are victims of war and poverty, SAT-7 provides biblically-based children’s programming to teach kids about the hope found through faith in Jesus. SAT-7 North America
SAT-7 Hong Kong – SAT-7 Hong Kong
電郵: [email protected] 短訊: +852 9867 8458 郵遞: G.P.O Box 10996 Hong Kong. SAT-7 Hong Kong : 獲豁免繳稅香港慈善團體註冊編號(IRD 91/16765) SAT-7 International : Registered Charity No. SC036497 and a company limited by guarantee (registered in Scotland) No. …
The SAT® Practic Test# 7. e . tJ . Make time to take the practice test. It is one of the best ways to get ready for the SAT. After you have taken the practice test, score it right away at sat.org/digital-practice. This version of the SAT Practice Test is for students who will be taking the digital SAT in nondigital format.
SAT-7 ARABIC: Broadcasts from Nilesat (E7WA) at 7 degrees West, 11.354 GHz Vertical covering the Middle East and North Africa. Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Audience includes Arabic-speaking people in the Middle East, North Africa, and …
Our history - SAT-7
Today, SAT-7 broadcasts in three languages, through four channels, 365 days a year. After five years of research, preparation, and networking with local church leaders, SAT-7 is founded. 20 agencies working in the area and Middle Eastern Christian leaders establish SAT-7 …
SAT-7 UK | Bringing Joy. Showing Love. Strengthening Faith
But there is another story being told. A story of faith strengthened, love shown and joy brought – not just to the few, but to millions across the region. Our teams are on the ground, creating powerful, faith-filled television and digital media programmes …