Optical Sorting & Processing - Rice, Wheat & Grains - Satake USA
Satake manufactures food processing machinery for harvesting, milling, grading, optical sorting, to packing rice, wheat, corn & other grains. Serving the Americas, from Canada to Argentina (281) 276-3600
Satake PIKASEN FMS2000 Full Color Compact Optical Sorter
The Satake PIKASEN FMS2000 is a compact, full color RGB optical sorter ideal for small and medium size applications. The FMS incorporates advanced digital image processing software and automatic image adjustment functions allowing accurate sorting of a wide range of product types .
FMS Color Sorter | Satake-USA | Request Product Information Today
The Satake PIKASEN Alpha (FMS-2000) is a portable, cost-effective, full color RGB optical sorting machine for small and medium size applications, research and development, pre-production and laboratory use.
Optical Agricultural Sorters - Satake-USA
Both the human eye and the EVOLUTION RGB detect color through three wavelengths (red, green and blue), allowing the sorter to match the eye’s ability to see true color. The EVOLUTION RGB uses 16 million color, high-resolution cameras and long lasting LED lighting to detect and remove defects.
REZS Color Sorter - Satake-USA
Satake REZS Color Sorter features full color camera technology views product similar to the human eye. Request product info today!
Optical Sorting Food Processing Equipment for Quality Control
High-speed optical sorting equipment assures consistent high quality food by detecting and removing discolorations and foreign material. Sorting machines for grains, seeds, coffee, beans, nuts, dry snack food, dry pet food and industrial products.
Vantage - Satake-USA
The Vantage is a high-precision sorter that features: Full Spectrum Multi-Spectral Camera technology, Hi-Resolution InGaAs Cameras, Hygienic Stainless-Steel Construction, and High Capacity. Vantage features proprietary Satake software that ensures hassle free operation.
What Is Optical Sorting? - Satake-USA
Color sorters utilizing RGB technology use a full color camera instead of optical filters and can be programmed to sort products that may be difficult with other technologies. Utilizing the user interface, the operator programs in the parameters for …
Optical Sorting FAQ’s - Satake-USA
The Satake optical sorters are extremely reliable and it is very rare to actually need a technician to visit your site for repairs. We have a well trained staff of qualified technicians available for startup and training, scheduled preventive maintenance visits, and repairs if required.
COMPACT FULL COLOR RGB OPTICAL SORTER www.satake-usa.com Portable and cost-effective full color RGB optical sorting Small and medium size production ... www.satake-usa.com SORTING EXAMPLES MACHINE DIMENSIONS SPECIFICATIONS INTUITIVE INTERFACE SUSFMSCENG-1608-1 FMS-2000 Coffee Sesame Plastic Corn. FMS-20ûCJ . Supply