Satipatthana - Wikipedia
Satipatthana (Pali: Satipaṭṭhāna; Sanskrit: smṛtyupasthāna) is a central practice in the Buddha's teachings, meaning "the establishment of mindfulness" or "presence of mindfulness", or …
Satipatthana Sutta - Wikipedia
While elements of the Satipathana sutta can be found in the Samyutta Nikaya and the Samyukta Nigama, [citation needed] which belong to the oldest strata of the Buddhist suttas, the …
What is Satipatthana? - Lion's Roar
Satipatthana (Pali) is often translated as “foundation of mindfulness,” which gives the impression that it refers to an object of meditation. This impression is reinforced when you see the four …
The Way of Mindfulness: The Satipatthana Sutta and Its …
The Satipatthana Sutta, the Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness, is generally regarded as the canonical Buddhist text with the fullest instructions on the system of meditation unique …
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness – One Mind Dharma
The Satipatthana Sutta is an important discourse in the Pali Canon 1. Often translated as “The Four Foundations of Mindfulness,” the Satipatthana Sutta contains the Buddha’s instructions …
Satipatthana - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Satipatthana (Pali: satipaṭṭhāna; S. smṛtyupasthāna; T. dran pa nye bar bzhag pa དྲན་པ་ཉེ་བར་བཞག་པ་; C. nianchu; J. nenjo) is translated as "establishments of mindfulness," "applications of …
Satipatthana Sutta: The Foundations of Mindfulness
How to cite this document (a suggested style): "Satipatthana Sutta: The Foundations of Mindfulness" (MN 10), translated from the Pali by Nyanasatta Thera. Access to Insight (BCBS …