the official implementation of "Rational Polynomial Camera Model Warping for Deep Learning Based Satellite Multi-View Stereo Matching” (ICCV 2021)
(PDF) A-SATMVSNet: An attention-aware multi-view stereo …
2023年4月13日 · To solve the problem of insufficient extraction of surface features, a new feature extraction module based on triple dilated convolution with attention module is proposed, which …
Satmv = Mixed venous saturation of haemoglobin Hb = Haemoglobin CO = Cardiac Output VO2 = Oxygen consumption CaO2 = Arterial content of oxygen CmvO2 = Mixed venous content of …
A Novel One-Shot Circular Stapler Closure for Atrial Septal Defect …
SatMV was calculated according the formula: SatMV = (SatSVC + SatIVC)/2. SatSVC and SatIVC were the oxygen saturation in the SVC and the IVC, respectively. Cardiopulmonary bypass …
ICU Principles - M5 Board Review
When the CO can no longer increase to overcome VO2 demands, the tissues will start to extract a greater percentage of oxygen from Hb, decreasing Satmv. Therefore, Satmv is a relatively …
A novel ‘shunt fraction’ method to derive native cardiac output …
2023年11月1日 · Initial weaning of central VA ECMO flow to 800 mL/min and turning off sweep/oxygen created a right-to-left shunt with resultant O2satA-O2satMV of 28% and O2sat …
Sample Questions - M5 Board Review
ICU 4: A patient’s mixed venous saturation (Satmv) is unchanged despite an increase in the oxygen consumption (VO2), which of the following statements is most likely true: A. The …
A novel ‘shunt fraction’ method to derive ... - Wiley Online Library
2023年11月1日 · Initial weaning of central VA ECMO flow to 800 mL/min and turning off sweep/oxygen created a right-to-left shunt with resultant O2satA-O2satMV of 28% and O2sat …
Basic3 ICU Principles Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like CaO2 = [Hb x Sat x 1.34] + 0.003 x PaO2, PA02 = [(Patm-Ph2o) x FiO2] - PaCO2/RQ, VO2 = Hb x (sata-satmv) x 1.32 x …
SATMV - YouTube
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