收皮 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年8月26日 · Said to be originated from the gambling game Fan-Tan. 收⫽皮 (verb-object) (Cantonese) 收皮 啦 你! [Guangzhou Cantonese] ― sau1 pei4 laa1 nei5! [Jyutping] ― Why …
Cantonese Slang of the Week: Collect skin - Localiiz
2018年12月20日 · Telling someone to “sau pei” means to tell a certain person to shut up —in a rude manner. The word “sau” means to collect, while the word “pei” means skin.
收皮 (sau1 pei4 | shou1 pi2) : stop what you are doing or talking …
[1] (lit. "to withdraw the foreskin", "take back your skin") stop what you are doing, stop what you are talking about; shut up; fuck off [2] (lit. to take a person's skin) (vi.) to die; (vt.) to kill
Language Culture and Society in Hong Kong (and beyond)
2019年11月25日 · The literal translation of Sau pei is “collect skin”. Close friends use this slang when someone is bragging or bluffing. It is a way to ask him/her to “save it” and stop talking, in …
A quick lesson on Hong Kong slang you need to know | Localiiz
2018年5月24日 · Telling someone to “sau pei” means to tell a certain person to shut up —in a rude manner. The word “sau” means to collect, while the word “pei” means skin.
Hong Kong slang 101: Talk the talk in the 852 | Honeycombers
2024年6月27日 · Sau pei directly translates to “collect skin” and means “shut the f*** up”. However, you can convey different levels of aggression depending on how you use this Hong …
Enn – 收皮啦 (Sau Pei La) Lyrics - Genius
2021年5月31日 · 收皮啦 (Sau Pei La) Lyrics: 點撚樣先算真? 點撚樣才是糞? / 現在就話你知本小姐我極怒憤 / 想起細小我經已極優等 / 也知於社會記得要識去忍 / 返工要叻太叻卻被咒罵 / 別 …
收皮 Saupei - Facebook
收皮 Saupei. 11,038 likes · 1 talking about this. 解決城市的廢物和浪費問題 —— 城市有很多原本不應被捨棄的資源被浪費,直接送到堆填區。收皮抱著人棄我取的精神,以香港工藝製作結合 …
Collect Skin - Urban Dictionary
2011年4月29日 · In Chinese, Sau Pei means shut up. And if you translate Sau Pei word for word then it means Collect Skin. Weird things that chinese people come up with lol.
Urban Dictionary: PEI
2008年1月24日 · But most commonly used to refer to oneself. Lim pei tell you, i'm always right. Dont Kao Bei Kao Bu so much! Get the Lim pei mug. An insulting way of expressing contempt …
邊毓秀醫生 Dr PEI YUK SAU, ANN 兒科 / 內科-尋醫報告 睇醫生網
邊毓秀醫生, Dr PEI YUK SAU, ANN 兒科 / 內科醫生; 電話:2577 0880;地址:;尋醫報告評分、Whatsapp 即時預約、相關信箱答問、醫生文章及影片視頻。
Beeswax Cloth | 蜜蠟布
Beeswax Cloth - the reusable food wrap, keep your food greenly. 蜜蠟布 - 可清洗再用食物保鮮布。
sau-pei by armechan – Raw Paw
"Sau-Pei" is a cantonese slang means "Knock it off! or Cut it out!" In Hong Kong, most people use it in a rude way, but we can also use it among friends in a relaxed tone.
When did Enn start making music? - Genius
Enn's first song “收皮啦 (Sau Pei La)” released on May 31, 2021.
From Juice Box to Wallets: Upcycling in a Local Fashion
2018年8月29日 · Bringing what she learnt from the creative industry, four years ago she established 收皮 ‘Sau Pei’ and now, more recently, Beeswax Cloth this year as an upcycling …
Feature - Art & Living - etnet 經濟通|香港新聞財經資訊和 ...
2020年11月3日 · Sau Pei是香港本地環保生活用品品牌,除了布口罩,也有用以取代保鮮紙的蜜蠟布、布紙巾等。 品牌的宗旨是以設計解決城市廢物和浪費問題。
Da Bei Zhou (大悲咒 - Ta Pei Cou) - Lyrics and Music by ... - Smule
Da Bei Zhou (大悲咒 - Ta Pei Cou) by Great Compassion Mantra (Mahākaruṇā Dhāraṇī) - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. | Smule Social Singing Karaoke app
Dr. Pei Yuk Sau Ann - Paediatrician - FindDoc
Dr. Pei Yuk Sau Ann - Paediatrician in Causeway Bay. Check out doctor/clinic profile and Book now!
Kiến trúc sư vĩ đại Ieoh Ming Pei cùng những ... - GK ARCHI
2017年6月8日 · Ieoh Ming Pei sinh ngày 26 tháng 4 năm 1917, là một nổi tiếng của nền kiến trúc hiện đại. Những công trình kiến trúc của ông có hình khối trừu tượng, sử dụng đá, bê tông, …
Tributes pour in for Lee Shau-kee, Hong Kong’s ‘patriotic ...
3 天之前 · The late tycoon donated cash, land and properties through the Lee Shau Kee Foundation and the Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation, and offered scholarships to …