Sau3AI - NEB
One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme required to digest 1 µg of λ DNA in 1 hour at 37°C in a total reaction volume of 50 µl. Sau3AI and DpnII are isoschizomers of MboI. Blocked by overlapping CpG methylation. Why Choose Recombinant Enzymes? What's the difference between DpnI, DpnII, MboI, and Sau3AI?
Sau3AI - NEB
一个单位是指在 50 µl 的总反应体系中,在 37℃ 下,1 小时内酶切 1 µg λ DNA 所需的酶量。 Sau3AI 和 DpnII 是 MboI 的同裂酶。 CpG 甲基化与酶切位点重叠阻断酶切。 Why Choose Recombinant Enzymes? What's the difference between DpnI, DpnII, MboI, and Sau3AI? Is this enzyme sensitive to dam, dcm or mammalian CpG methylation?
常规限制酶Mbo I (Sau3A I) - Takara
2025年3月1日 · 不受CG methylase的影响,但受dam methylase影响。 所以,切不断从一般大肠杆菌中提取出的DNA。 高甘油浓度、Mn2+存在条件下,识别序列会发生变化。 识别位点 制 …
Bsp143I (Sau3AI) (10 U/μL) - 赛默飞世尔科技公司
Thermo Scientific Bsp143I (Sau3AI) 限制性内切酶可识别 ^GATC 位点,于 37°C 下在其独特的缓冲液中的切割效果最佳(同裂酶:BfuCI、BssMI、BstKTI、BstMBI、DpnII、Kzo9I、NdeII、Sau3AIm)。 有关该酶和其他限制性内切酶的酶活性、双重酶切条件和热灭活的条件,请参见 限制性内切酶的反应条件。 备注:另外提供用于快速 DNA 酶切的 FastDigest 酶。 Thermo Scientific 常规限制性核酸内切酶是高质量限制性内切酶的大量汇集物,经过优化以便在五缓冲液系统的 …
Bsp143I (Sau3AI) (10 U/μL) - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific Bsp143I (Sau3AI) restriction enzyme recognizes ^GATC sites and cuts best at 37°C in its own unique buffer (Isoschizomers: BfuCI, BssMI, BstKTI, BstMBI, DpnII, Kzo9I, NdeII, Sau3AIm).
Sau - Journal of Biological Chemistry
Here, we report that Sau 3AI, an unusually large type II restriction enzyme with sequence homology to the mismatch repair protein MutH, is a monomeric enzyme as shown by gel filtration and ultracentrifugation.
Sau3AI, a Monomeric Type II Restriction Endonuclease
2001年6月29日 · Here, we report that Sau 3AI, an unusually large type II restriction enzyme with sequence homology to the mismatch repair protein MutH, is a monomeric enzyme as shown by gel filtration and ultracentrifugation.
限制性内切酶Sau3AI的结构与功能研究 - 百度百科
《限制性内切酶Sau3AI的结构与功能研究》是依托复旦大学,由胡小健担任项目负责人的青年科学基金项目。 项目摘要. 限制性内切酶Sau3AI识别并酶切含GATC序列的DNA链,由于其对DNA的破坏性使得大量表达重组Sau3AI难以在大肠杆菌中实现。 与有相同酶活性的其它蛋白质相比,Sau3AI对双链DNA识别位点GATC中的A的甲基化缺乏敏感性:它能识别并酶切非甲基化、半甲基化和全甲基化的双链DNA。 由于缺乏Sau3AI的晶体结构信息,对它的结构和功能特征还有 …
Sau3AI, a monomeric type II restriction endonuclease that
2001年6月29日 · Here, we report that Sau3AI, an unusually large type II restriction enzyme with sequence homology to the mismatch repair protein MutH, is a monomeric enzyme as shown by gel filtration and ultracentrifugation.
Sau3A I Restriction Enzyme 81295-28-5 - MilliporeSigma
Cutting results: A 2-10-fold Sau3A I overdigestion of 1 μg λ DNA substrate results in 100% cutting. Heat inactivation: 65 °C for 20 minutes. Sau 3AI is a DNA restriction enzyme that cuts DNA at the recognition sequence 5′-/GATC-3′ to generate DNA fragments containing 5′-cohesive termini. Supplied with 10x Restriction Enzyme Buffer SA (B7531)