Savage 116, which one is it? - The Firearms Forum
2010年11月14日 · I picked up a Savage model 116 stainless yesterday, serial# F713xxx and I have looked in (what books i have) and cannot figure which model 116 it is, as there are …
Savage 116 FCSS 7mm rem mag (has anyone tired it?) - The …
2012年2月21日 · Savage makes THE best affordable accurate rifles right out of the box. They have THE best factory produced barrels in the industy. Your money will be well spent on a …
Savage 116 range report - The Firearms Forum
2010年11月24日 · I picked this savage 116 up at a pawnshop yesterday afternoon, its a pre accu-trigger model (circa 1995/96) but does have a factory adjustable trigger. Its chambered in .30 …
Savage 116, which one is it? | Page 2 | The Firearms Forum
2010年11月20日 · I have a Savage 116 stainless in .30-06 Sprng. that I bought alone because the advertised rifle/scope combo had a crappy $50 Simmons scope on it. Had a bad experience …
Savage 116 (terrible day) Range report | The Firearms Forum
2010年11月30日 · I took the week off to dear gun hunt this week, but today it's been down pouring rain all day long. So, was watching the radar and saw about an 1/2hr. break in the rain and …
Older Savage 110 | Page 2 | The Firearms Forum
2011年9月1日 · I have an older Savage 116, which is the stainless steel version of the Savage 110 like you mention. It's in 7mm Rem. Mag. and is the most accurate rifle I have. The $249 …
Savage Rifles - The Firearms Forum
2009年8月28日 · My first .223 rifle purchased for walk about varmint hunting and punching paper was a Savage Model 116 in a synthetic stock with a Japanese Tasco 6-24X40 scope. That …
Load testing with my Savage Model 16/116 in .243
2017年10月9日 · On my last Savage , Model 111 in .243 I was able to hit it with a 95 Grain Nosler Ballistic Tip and 4064 powder. I got into the .75 inch group range and called it good. This one …
Load testing with my Savage Model 16/116 in .243
2016年12月2日 · I am struggling just a bit it seems to find the sweet spot. At least now I am getting somewhere with the testing and the data is pointing me in the right direction. On my …
Any Savage Arms serial number/year charts - The Firearms Forum
2023年7月30日 · Ive been collecting Savage 110s and other models based on that same action and cannot find any serial number charts to verify my rifles year. There is alot of older model …