Savage 220: 220 Slug Gun Stock Options - savageshooters.com
2013年10月29日 · Savage 220 Slug Stock. By ajb05854 in forum Savage & Stevens Shotguns Replies: 0 Last Post: 12-20- 2023 ...
Savage 220: Aftermarket 220 Stocks - savageshooters.com
2013年3月15日 · The information and opinions expressed within this site are those of its contributors, and in no way should be viewed as the opinions or recommendations of Savage Arms. This site utilizes affiliate programs to generate revenue and as such purchasing a product reached by clicking on a link on this site may earn us a small commission on that sale.
savage model 220D single barrel shotgun - Savage Shooters
2023年4月30日 · Show as the Savage 219 single shot rifle but it is the same action as the 220 single shot shotgun. The "D" model 220 is the same as the middle diagram of the 219B. The 220, 220A was a striker fire, the 220B through 220D & L was hammer C:\Users\stmic\Downloads\savage219types.jpg
Reasonable upgrades for 220 - Savage Shooters
2017年1月18日 · Purchased a 220 last fall sighted in with acutip slugs and shoots pretty well, but am thinking it could do better if I put on a different ( laminated) stock and bed it in.. is there any other ideas that are diy things and not too expensive? Just want a really good deer slug gun.. I have a Nikon bdc scope to go on it .
Savage 220 recoil pad help please - Savage Shooters
2014年11月18日 · I have a Savage 220 which as I understand is a 20 gauge shotgun built on the 110 action. It has the synthetic stock. I love the gun. I have taken 4 deer with 4 shots (Illinois - rifles not allowed). 200 yd ability from a shotgun.
220 with Ultimate Slam Scope, Accutips - Savage Shooters
2017年9月5日 · Hello - I tried sighting in my savage 220 with 2 3/4 accutips and a leupold ultimate 3-9x scope this weekend. I'm dead on at 100 yards and followed the instructions for the ballistic drop markers using the 2 dots (for 2 pellets and 20ga). I found the various holds weren't even close for 150 and 200 yards as I was shooting very low.
Savage 220: Savage 220 action torque specs - savageshooters.com
2012年11月27日 · The information and opinions expressed within this site are those of its contributors, and in no way should be viewed as the opinions or recommendations of Savage Arms. This site utilizes affiliate programs to generate revenue and as such purchasing a product reached by clicking on a link on this site may earn us a small commission on that sale.
Savage 112 220 Swift What Did I Buy - Savage Shooters
2017年4月1日 · Picked up a Savage 112 in 220 Swift today. Had seen it at a local gun shop a couple weeks ago and did some research and decided to buy it today if they still had it. Seems to have had little use, pretty clean rifle with 1 small mark in stock.
Savage 220: Savage 220 scope fitment - Savage Shooters
2011年10月8日 · Re: Savage 220 scope fitment Weaver # 48329, I found out the hard way not all long action accu-trigger bases from weaver work on the 220F, I purchased a #99493 tactical weaver base Long action accu-trgger that won't work because they don't cut the radius the length of the base that sits on the action, they leave a 1/16" piece uncut and the base ...
Savage 220 - General Discussion Forum - In-Depth Outdoors
2020年6月24日 · Savage 220 is a 20ga dedicated slug shotgun. Savage 212 is a 12ga dedicated slug shotgun. Scott. Kirt ...