What's my savage 99e .243 worth - The Firearms Forum
2016年11月29日 · I own a Model 99 e in .243 with a original light wood stock that is a carbine. Bought it so my wife could hunt with me. She shot it once and I clean and oil it twice a year. …
Savage 99E in .243 win - Graybeard Outdoors
2007年1月20日 · Savage 99E Series A need more info Hi folks, I am new and in need of more detailed information on a Savage 99E Series A in 243 Win. Serial D2331XX. It has a tapered …
Savage 99E year and Value - The Firearms Forum
2007年6月17日 · The Model 99E was made from 1960 to 1984. The highest S/N was supposedly 1,000,000. To determine exactly what you have, you'd have to cross reference features from a …
Date for Savage 99 - The Firearms Forum
2024年12月2日 · A lot of 99E’s in 308 are bought for rechambering into 358 for instance. The last of the Savage 99 models are the model A’s and the Brush Guns. These guns came in hard to …
Reloading for Savage 99E in .243 - Graybeard Outdoors
2011年7月10日 · I have recently acquired a Savage model 99E chambered in .243 and want to hand load some rounds for deer season this year. I have tried to work up a load using 85 gr. …
Savage Model 99 .243 Price? - Ruger Forum
2015年4月13日 · Model 88 but then noticed in the picture of the listing a Savage Model 99 in .243 from the picture the gun looks very nice it has a older Redfield 3-9 on it. The asking price is …
Found 2 Savage Model 99's - Ruger Forum
2016年12月30日 · Right now I want the .300 Savage Model 99 vs the .243 99e. The guy that has the Savage Mod. 99e sends me a text claiming his rifle was made in 1951! Well ok but the …
Savage 99E - The Firearms Forum
2022年10月23日 · Savage 99H 22HP Take Down-Year 1914 Savage 99B 30-30 Octagonal (year 1901) I traded a Savage 99H take down year 1913 for a Ruger .44 Carbine in 98% condition a …
Savage 99 dates of manufacture - Graybeard Outdoors
2004年9月26日 · The authority on Savage Model 99 s is a fella named Doug Murray. He wrote and published a book called The Ninety-Nine which is THE authority on Savage Model 99 s. …
Savage 99E .243 Win. HELP PLEASE!!! - The Firearms Forum
2012年9月11日 · I have a Savage model 99E in .243 win. Im having a horrible time finding the year of MFG.!!! The Serial # on the lower left hand side of the receiver is- A259852. I looked …